Sitemap - 2024 - The Gene Pool
A Tsk-it, a Tasket, a Brand-New Basket?
The Invitational Week 104: Jest One More Time
Kidnapped. A True Crime Story.
The Proof is in the ... Proof.
If You Don't Get It, YOU Don't GET It.
The Invitational Week 103: Redoer's Digest — our 2024 retrospective, Part 1
Dear Jeff Bezos: It's Me, Again. With a Proposal.
What If He's Just a ... Humbug?
The Invitational Week 102: Next Year in Review
World Record Emergency Gene Pool!
The Invitational Week 101: A So-So Contest
Affairs and Other Trivial Pursuits
The Invitational Week 99: Mess With Our Heads
The Invitational Week 98: Tiles & Tribulations
Do you give a flying f--- why anyone voted for Trump?
Six Things That Are Worse than Trump Winning the Election.
The Invitational Week 97: Give Us a Break
The Washington Pist, Mourning Edition:
Election Day, Part II. Happy Angstgiving.
Election Day, Part I -- The Pigeon Paradigm
The Invitational Week 96: The Tile Invitational XI
The Invitational Week 95: What's the Worst That Could Happen?
The Invitational Week 94: Asterisky Business
A Tedious Argument of Insidious Intent
The Invitational Week 93: Ask Backwards XLIII
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye.
The Invitational Week 91: Saved!
The Final, Glorious Journey of the Badwagon? (Plus, poop.)
The Invitational Week 90: Stick It
How an Obese Drug Addict in a Dank Prison Cell Explains the Persistence of Trump
The Invitational Week 89: Funny, Init?
The Invitational Week 87: Get Thee to a Punnery
The Invitational Week 86: Call Your Dog
The Invitational Week 85: Hu-boy, It's Limerixicon XXI
The Ecstasy of Defeat, Part III
The Invitational Week 84: We Got Game
You Must Have Been Misinformed
The Invitational Week 83: Stop, Hey, What's That Sound?
Your Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad ...
The Invitational Week 82: Taylorgaters
The Invitational Week 81: Picture This
The Invitational Week 80: Same Difference
Special Monday Gene Pool Gene Poll.
The Invitational Week 79: The Farce of July
The Invitational Week 78: History for the tl;dr Crowd
The Invitational Week 77: Ebenezer Screwed
What Is The Weirdest Thing About Your Body?
The Invitational Week 76: So Good! So Bad! So Ugly!
Why Are You As Old As You Are?
The Invitational Week 75: Qwerty Lashes
The Invitational Week 74: It's Parody Time
The Invitational Week 73: Our Typo Humor
This Politician is Funny. So of Course He is Not Important.
The Invitational Week 72: All You Need Is Ink
The Invitational Week 71: Wait Wait Right Here!
The Invitational Week 70: Colt Fusion
The Invitational Week 69: The Trite Stuff
The Invitational Week 68: Pun for the Roses
The Amazing Adventures of T-Rump
The Invitational Week 67: Bring Up the Rear
The Invitational Week 66: Seeds of Change
The Invitational Week 65: A Thousand Words
Give Me Libby or Give Me Death
Never Have I Ever Played This Stupid Game Before.
Invitational Week 64: You're Workin' on a Chain, Gang
The Invitational Week 63: SOTU-Speak
What, Was He Just Biden His Time?
The Invitational Week 62: Hi, Anxiety!
The Invitational Week 61: Captions Courageous
The Invitational Week 60: The Pepys Show
The Invitational Week 59: Why the #$%#$% Not?
Old Man, Take a Look at My Life, I'm a Lot Like You Were.
The Invitational Week 58: Praise the Lurid!
The Invitational Week 57: The Ughscars and the Phewlitzers
You Have to Brush Your Tongue!
Donald Trump and the Vampire Woman
The Invitational Week 56: Oh, Grandpa, Stop!
Hasidic Jews Emerging from Sewers
The Invitational Week 55: Tour de Fours — Be STUD-ly
The Invitational Week 54: S Is for Smartass
Invitational Week 53: Dead Letters, our annual obit poem contest