Apparently turn signals are now an optional accessory. Either that, or they become inoperable with disuse. Certainly their use, that is when they are inadvertently used --- unlike the requirement to jam on the brakes every 50 feet, travel slow enough to put on makeup or text, or perhaps to view the lane pavement markings as only suggesti…
Apparently turn signals are now an optional accessory. Either that, or they become inoperable with disuse. Certainly their use, that is when they are inadvertently used --- unlike the requirement to jam on the brakes every 50 feet, travel slow enough to put on makeup or text, or perhaps to view the lane pavement markings as only suggestions --- is evidently no longer part of the driving oral tradition. These remnants of the road include the single blink from a vehicle already (barely) in front of you, the "hell or high water" multiple blink initiated as the vehicle alongside decides to immediately cut you off and my personal favorite, the four-block-long continuous left turn blink. Petty you say? I say &@$% (or a similar grawlix).
I used to say that people got a bonus when they traded in their cars if they could prove the turn signals were never used. And if they could turn off the brake lights, many would. The idea is to not do anything to help other drivers or let them know what one is about to do. And there may even be good reason. Sometimes I have signaled a lane change only to have a car further back zip up to keep me out of that lane. Driving used to be cooperative. Now it is adversary.
My method to deal with people that pull this is to just pretend I don't see them and get over anyway (where possible, of course.) I also pretend I don't see any road ragers gesturing & shouting, etc.
Apparently turn signals are now an optional accessory. Either that, or they become inoperable with disuse. Certainly their use, that is when they are inadvertently used --- unlike the requirement to jam on the brakes every 50 feet, travel slow enough to put on makeup or text, or perhaps to view the lane pavement markings as only suggestions --- is evidently no longer part of the driving oral tradition. These remnants of the road include the single blink from a vehicle already (barely) in front of you, the "hell or high water" multiple blink initiated as the vehicle alongside decides to immediately cut you off and my personal favorite, the four-block-long continuous left turn blink. Petty you say? I say &@$% (or a similar grawlix).
They have been optional equipment in Massachusetts for ages. “Nevah use ‘em. Why pay fo’em?”
I used to say that people got a bonus when they traded in their cars if they could prove the turn signals were never used. And if they could turn off the brake lights, many would. The idea is to not do anything to help other drivers or let them know what one is about to do. And there may even be good reason. Sometimes I have signaled a lane change only to have a car further back zip up to keep me out of that lane. Driving used to be cooperative. Now it is adversary.
My method to deal with people that pull this is to just pretend I don't see them and get over anyway (where possible, of course.) I also pretend I don't see any road ragers gesturing & shouting, etc.
Who needs a turn signal in Massatwoshits, when the custom is to use the right lane for passing?
My father liked to say that he was the number one driver in Massachusetts. Everyone would raise a single digit as he drove by.