Geesh, do I have to explain everything about a fictional scenario. The interrogated believes it is a scanner because of the simulated "beeping." Know nothing about fictional interrogations I see. But you have my permission to copy the comment and put quotes around anything you like. Surely there's a dependent clause somewhere that requires your immediate attention.
Why quotation marks around "'beeping'"?
The CIA uses simulated scanner "beeping." That work for you?
Huh? Wouldn't that then be "the incessant beeping of a 'scanner'"?
Geesh, do I have to explain everything about a fictional scenario. The interrogated believes it is a scanner because of the simulated "beeping." Know nothing about fictional interrogations I see. But you have my permission to copy the comment and put quotes around anything you like. Surely there's a dependent clause somewhere that requires your immediate attention.
All I know is that it sounds like the scanner is fictional but the beeping is real. But: whatever, dude.
As a seasonal kindness you have been given the "Last Word." "Happy" Holidays.