Question for y'all: For those who voted for "I'm fine" as their favorite among the top four, were any of you men? Were any of you confused by it?

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I voted for "I'm fine". I'm a guy and fully understood the joke. :-D

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Absolutely y'all. I'm a New Englander transplanted to California but I use it because the language needs it.

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I agree! It’s a lot less clunky than the California “you guys”

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I am male and completely got it. Hence the vote.

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Yes! And, no! I've been married for many years.

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So no inks for “Vladimir Putin’s toenails.” My feeble effort was “according to the peace deal proposed by the Trump administration, what will Ukraine receive in exchange for giving up its Russian-occupied territory?

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There are always a couple of categories that end up not getting ink -- especially since, in recent years, the lists of "answers" has become longer. As it was, we ended up running a whopping 47 entries, if you count the two we mention in the intro to the results. Our first cut was about twice that. BTW, in our last caption contest results, we didn't run any captions for one of the seven pictures offered.

Meanwhile, the place to share your "noinks" is not here but in the Style Invitational Devotees group, in the thread under the link to the contest.

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The dog and cat pic is hilarious 😂

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The Supper Bowl entry ' 👏👏👏

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As to the person who wrote about “GOP backtrackers”, I think one of the defining characteristics of conservatives is a lack of empathy. Cheney and homosexuality is a great example, and you can go back to the Vietnam war, where many were pro war, until someone they knew came home in a box. Suddenly, they would become concerned about the tragic loss of life in the war.

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Didn’t vote for it but understood it. It is a feminine sort of psychological joke, not to disparage either, they are usually the winners of caption contests and the like. I like Terry Berg’s “bathroom design” joke. So much to unpack in the incident. Why did he do it? No one has really given a reason. I speculate he tried to hold them for ransom to try to get a deal on his indictments. I think other countries would be loath to deal with him on spying, he is a sponge of narcissistic need and unreliability.

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Ah yes, the myth of Il Duce taking credit for the still notoriously capricious Italian trains (other than the high speed "frecce") running on time. Similar to the myth that the federal agencies can run without employees and funding or, that there really is a Gene Weingarten and not Pat Myers' second personality (btw, love the moustache Pat).

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Third option: Trump's smile looks so fake and uncomfortable that it's the smile someone would make who was unhappy and embarassed about farting in the elevator.

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There is no way a majority of the respondents are offended by their own emissions. How do you live without developing a tolerance or even an appreciation?

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Dawned on me recently, the reason for this bromance between Demento and and his trusty sidekick, Spurious. Apparently anyone whose companies haven't filed for bankruptcy six times is considered a genius in Demento's eyes. And speaking of body parts, every time I see Demento force a smile, he reminds me of an infant with gas pains.

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