Part of my job is reading scripts of musicals in development, and a couple of years ago I received a TRUMP: THE MUSICAL, which came with no music because the score was intended to be improvised every night to reflect his disordered mind.
This makes me think of "John Walker, the Musical" which a cousin of mine co-wrote for the NY Fringe Festival in 2004 (John Walker being John Walker Lindh aka the American Taliban)
Six Things That Are Worse than Trump Winning…
Carrie: The Musical — a Broadway musical based on Stephen King's novel Carrie
Global thermonuclear war
American voters
Putin winning
Uh, Putin won this election.
Indubitably. And that is worse than Trump winning.
Leprosy is curable now, right? You can't cure stupid.
But the ballcaps sure make it easy to identify.
I have seen Carrie: The Musical, and it is much, much, much better than Trump.
Next up: "Trump: The Musical"
Part of my job is reading scripts of musicals in development, and a couple of years ago I received a TRUMP: THE MUSICAL, which came with no music because the score was intended to be improvised every night to reflect his disordered mind.
It was funny then, less so now.
This makes me think of "John Walker, the Musical" which a cousin of mine co-wrote for the NY Fringe Festival in 2004 (John Walker being John Walker Lindh aka the American Taliban)