I just got a very strong alternative contender from a lady named Autumn: "Frank Sinatra."

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As long as you understand that his eyes might change color; sometimes they stay blue, sometimes go to a light brown or other light color.

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No dog, blue eyes or not, should be burdened with a name that makes everyone who sees him think of Frank Sinatra, one of the most overrated people I've ever come across.

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Certainly not a great human, but one of the great stylists with a terrific ear and has to be among the top 20-25 all-time pop singers.

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He sang slightly off key, flat.

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The guy had perfect pitch. If he sang off key or flat from time to time, it almost certainly was for effect or in styling a song.

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No never overrated…

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A dog named Frank Sinatra needs to be a dachshund.

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Walter. And that's the way it is.

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I voted for Norman, but would have preferred Normal so he could've been the New Normal. And returning home would be getting back to Normal.

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I like Jessee because it ends in a vowel sound and dogs seem to like that.

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I wanna be Jesse's girl :)

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Dexter is by far the best, imo, provided one does not look too deeply into its definition. Per Merriam-Webster, it's "relating to or situated on the right." Given the current—and for the foreseeable future—political implication of "right," would your neighbors be condemning the dog to a lifetime of flouting the rules, pissing on people, and biting the hand that feeds it? Then again, it shares a Latin root with "dexterity," so maybe they can teach it to do household chores, or even some woodworking.

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How about HARRIS ? He looks like our granddaughter's nanny's dog REBEL.

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Walter seems like a stuffy old man's name. I waffled between Dexter and Jesse and picked Jesse because I don't know why, just seemed nicer than Dexter?

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My sister and her husband agree on most things, but pet names is not one of them.

She likes traditional cutesy names like Daisy or Frisky. He finds that completely undignified.

So they compromised and named the dog DayZ.

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If I can hold him for, say, 10 minutes I’d be much better situated to choose wisely. Gimme!

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Obviously a Norman.

Not biased at all.

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Doesn’t matter - he’ll be Schmoopie or SirsSnugsAlot around the house soon enough. I voted Jesse because it ends in an eeeeeee sound

Welcome little dude!

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I immediately thought of “Cutie McCuteFace” but … I also think of people with certain names when choosing, even if fictional, so narrowed it to Jesse to avoid serial killers. 🤪

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Funny how we all veered off on this assignment…good job Gene! It got us distracted for a few minutes. My dear brother’s name was Walter. That was my choice, to honor him 💙

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How about HARRIS ?

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It was a tossup between Dexter and Jesse, my rule of thumb is go to your back porch and yell out the name, because that’s exactly what you’ll be doing in the near future. Soon everybody in the neighborhood will know who Dexter is.

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my aunt adopted a cat and the cat's kitten. Called the kitten Baby and my uncle did not like calling for Baby.

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