I have now reached that point in the evening at which I put on beautiful music through headphones so that I don't hear the CNN in the next room. They had started to talk about T's big gains among Latino voters. NOPE, can't hear that now. Good thing I have 11 more unrelated letters and emails that I need to write tonight.

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I wanted to just ignore it, but now that it is looking dicey, I can’t stop peeking. Depressed beyond measure that more, yes MORE, people are voting for this 💩 dump.

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I'm with you Pat. Time to work on Scrabble neologisms.

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It is instructive that I sort of ignored the Cruz race. BUT HE IS LOSING SO FAR..

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Beto was ahead at first also. Gave me false hope. I can't look yet.

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Probably headed back to Cancún as we speak. His grid seems to be failing again.

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The f&@(:er won.

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Partial counts can be very misleading. See my comment below re: VA and Fairfax. I appreciate the reminder to post on FB tipping my friends not to read too much into early returns for close races.

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Re: Focus on the economy -- I honestly don't think it mattered what the Democratic message was on the economy or how strongly it was emphasized. A disturbingly large proportion of Americans get their impression of the economy from Fox News and other right-wing media and talk radio. Nothing Harris or her surrogates could have said would have made a difference.

In 1984, Reagan could run on his economic record with the assumption that everyone was seeing and hearing the same things and had a similar assessment of the economy. That is no longer the case.

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And I guess on the historic economic balance beam between inflation and unemployment, the lesson is that something that affects everyone a little is far worse politically than something that affects a smaller number of people severely.

So with 10% unemployment, 90% of you can believe the economy is going great because you didn’t lose your job, but if 100% of you see milk go up ten cents a gallon you all believe the economy is in the shitter.

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Yes, but I think it's more than that. When their wages go up people don't literally see it every day, but when prices go up they do. So even people who are actually doing better feel like they're doing worse.

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Which gives the catch-22 that if Fox says the economy sucks and the Democrat says the economy is doing great, then the people who get their news from Fox just conclude that the Democrat is a flat-out liar.

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I’m going to try to go to bed also. Feeling so discouraged. Our country is so screwed 😪

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I thought I was prepared. I've been telling myself I was only "guardedly" optimistic at best, reminding myself that 2016 happened when we thought it couldn't.

Now I realize that deep down, I really believed our people were better than this. It's like being hit by a train.

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Same here, exactly.

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Here, too.

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This is what I took some very minor risk in emailing my college students::

Hi, everyone,

While different people will have different reactions to yesterday's election results, I expect that some of you, like me, are feeling devastated and adrift, and for the sake of that group I don't want to be silent about what you may be experiencing, even if it's far removed from a physics class. If you need time away from class and classwork, that's fine; if you need someone to talk to, I'd be happy to, although nothing in my 60 years is going to give me any special ability to reassure you right now. I'll only say that I am looking forward to teaching you tomorrow, and that's something.

best wishes,


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I keep asking out loud, in writing, to myself, WHY WHY WHY do they either want him or don't want her. I DON'T GET IT. People ask why it is so close. More importantly why is anyone voting for an unqualified narcissistic lunatic self centered uneducated braggert who doesn't care about other people. Insults can be useful when you need to call someone else. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. WRONG. If someone is being a cruel idiot dictator, freakin' say something!

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You forgot that he is a congenital liar.

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so Mr respected journalist, WHY is anyone, let alone SO MANY FREAKIN' PEOPLE voting for him? What kind of country do they really want to live in? How could Obama have won 2 terms when so many people are voting his polar opposite? What is wrong with my country? No other western country could have a candidate like this and get almost any votes I would imagine.

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I deny that I am a respected journalist.

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My mild optimism is slipping away. I think I have underestimated the resistance that many people have to a female leading our country. It is so depressing, especially considering how horribly flawed her male opponent is. Sigh

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yup. see above with the "she won't stare down opponents like manly man Yam Tits"

Did that person see any of the videos of Trump in Putin's presence? Steely glare? Wet toilet paper has more steel than Trump shows around Putin.

There is only one reason anyone could think for a second that Trump has more "grit" than Harris, that person thinks grit is only generated in testes. It is still something most of the world believes.

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I agree.

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Robin is living in Florida.

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I live in Florida too. Not sure I want to anymore.

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Another Florida soul who is agonizing that the amendments are kaput, too! Sickening.

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I look at the electoral map and want to throw up.

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At least Angela Alsobrooks is projected to win over Larry Hogan.

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Unfortunately, as Hogan would be the better Senator, were he not Republican.

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If Trump wins, the very last thing Kamala Harris should do is congratulate him....unless her congratulatory words are, "Donald Trump, go fuck yourself."

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Gene, I just have to tell you how much I loved your book, One Day. It is one of my favorites of all time. I shared it with many friends. I was so excited to find you on Substack! Now back to the fetal position!

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Thanks. It will help to hide under a blanket.

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Why am I the first? I am stressed out. I just can’t understand why half of our citizens are voting for him. WTF?

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You know, I think the biggest casualty of Donald Trump -- of all the dreadful casualties -- is that Americans hate and have contempt for

each other.

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But it’s hard not to have contempt for people on the Trump bandwagon.

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Whole lot of projection of his self-loathing onto his faithful. You need only have a passing knowledge of his childhood to understand his obvious narcissism is driven by it. Policy differences are one thing, batshit crazy is another.

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Back again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

What is WRONG with this country?

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OH, IMPORTANT. You probably want to hit "newest first" rather than Top First, right at the top of comments.

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Ah. Took me a while to find it, but that's much better.

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Your pigeon theory was interesting. And hopeful! I read it to my husband, who agreed, but pointed out that it’s jumping to conclusions to assume an undecided voter is as intelligent as a chicken.

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I volunteered to work in the polls in Alexandria. I highly recommend it. Especially when you check in a first time voter and everyone cheers. It wasn’t very busy because so many people voted early. But we still haven’t been released because of all of the closing up paperwork.

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