Hello. You think it is Tuesday, but it is in fact Monday. That is because I have been traveling on a secret mission and won’t do the regular Tuesday Gene Pool until tomorrow, so tomorrow must be Tuesday. As a famous journalist known for his accuracy and attention to detail, I do so declare it, so it must be true.
In the meantime, I have a question on which I will Gene Pool Gene Poll you right now. It is about The Meaning of Life.
If there is no God, if there is no Intelligent Design, how can you explain the fact that Maryland blue crabs have a tab on their bellies, exactly resembling pop-tops, that you pry open, like a can of Pabst, to access the succulent meat inside? According to Wiki, the tab on a male crab looks like the “Washington monument” and the tab on a female is wide and looks like the “top of the U.S. Capitol”.
In the meantime, keep sending in your stories about things you did that seemed smart at the time, but turned out to be anything but. Or anything else, including thoughts on Intelligent Design, crabs, etc. Send your stuff to here.
And see you tomorrow.
The real answer is that the tabs are a design improvement initiated by Old Bay Seasoning to facilitate crab consumption.
For the munificent god crowd, I'd add that the color change ⅓ the way up the Washington Monument is the high water mark from Noah's flood!