Well, on Day One, he finally made it completely clear.
Donald Trump is going to use his presidency to fleece and loot the country; he now makes no bones about it, except for the bones he's rolling in a loaded craps game he is sure to win.
Donald Trump and Melania just each released their personal cryptocurrency, which soared in value into the billions, overnight. Afterwards, their cryptos started lurching and vibrating like the self-pleasuring devices they are.
"I'm going to chisel you for all you are worth," Trump seems to be saying, breathtakingly out loud, to us all.
"I'm open for business," he seems to be saying to foreign politicos and potentates. Bitcoin-type investments are notoriously easy to do anonymously, any time, from anywhere. The controls are lax or nonexistent -- especially, I am guessing, from now on, in the United States, at least for the next four years. We'll become famous among tax evaders and money launderers and Vladimir Putin. We’ll become The Cayman Islands.
The emoluments clause, which prohibits public officials from being secretly enriched by foreign leaders or governments, has been finally dragged into the bathroom and drowned in the tub. There was no kicking and screaming. It went, quiet and docile.
"Crime committed in my name and for my benefit is okay," Trump seems to be saying, by pardoning or commuting the sentences of all January 6 criminals, including the most vicious ones of all.
It’s all obscene. In 1976, Esquire Magazine did a story on the new, wildly explicit, nearly obstetric, totally revolting porn magazines. That’s the Esquire cover, above, with Hef being appalled at how Larry Flynt has fouled his playing field. Today’s version would feature a bust of Richard Nixon sourly contemplating Trump.
That’s all I really have to say today.
I’m going back to bed.
Today’s Gene Pool Gene Poll:
That’s it.
Please help keep us afloat. It’s $4.15 a month. We all need you to do this, if you can.
Thoughts and observations:
I didn’t watch. I didn’t read. I knew no hope was there.
He is just a graceless, classless bully. And, of course one of the first things he did was to pardon the Jan 6 insurrectionists who attacked members of the police.
And still, people cheered for this guy?