As one of those women priests I have never been prouder of my denomination than I was yesterday. Many of us have been preaching that same sermon for a long time, but until yesterday no one had the chance to preach to that particular congregation. Brava to Bishop Buddy. And I hope she has good security.
"Brava to Bishop Buddy. And I hope she has good security." In the midst of all the plans to destroy our political civility, this hope rends my heart. That such a woman, a cleric of such obvious gentleness should need protection for having spoken truth to power makes me realize how far we have fallen.
I have a serious question: How do you address this with your congregation? My father is a deeply religious Episcopalian who seems to have forgotten his obligation to love his neighbor, and I struggle with finding a not-hypocritcal way to remind him of who he has always been.
That's a good question. I have the good fortune of being at a progressive parish in Atlanta. We talk about these things all the time, no matter who the president is. We have lively discussions in Sunday School and I (a former journalist) often tie sermons into what is going on in the world. I sent Bishop Budde's sermon to the congregation yesterday, and I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation on Sunday. Is your dad open to reading or talking to his priest?
The one he liked and respected retired and moved away. In the last decade or so, he has grumbled that his church is making diversity hires (without really thinking about the subtext of what he's saying, apparently) and is deeply unhappy that the rector is gay. He attends a Bible study in DC, but seems to no longer really connect emotionally with what he's reading and discussing. So the short answer is yes, but it seems like either the supports have been kicked away by time and tide--and his own attitude. I think if I gave him something to read, he would. Perhaps he would even absorb it.
The man is a seriously damaged human being --- for a number of documented reasons. We have several places for damaged human beings. The White House ain't one of them.
I would have LOVED to be in the room when #47 learned that he couldn't de-fund the Cathedral. The entire service was great with numerous religions represented. Her entire sermon is excellent. #47 only fell asleep once.
I would suggest a postcard. They might like to know right away that it isn't a threat. Because I can only assume there are some people who will mail very nasty things to her.
I’m one of the very few who said he isn’t pure scum. For the very reasons that I am an old school Christian who believes that no one is beyond redemption— and who always hopes there is a little spark in there that might seek it.
This doesn’t mean I won’t oppose his actions with all my ability. But I refuse to be sucked into denying his humanity.
I am willing to entertain the possibility that he is the anti-Christ, however.
Laura, I too am a Christian and would not call him scum for that reason, but I do think he may be the anti-Christ, and mentioned that today to the cashier at my Giant, who replied that she has been thinking the same. I watched the entire prayer service and was awed by Bishop Budde's courage to speak truth to power, and was hopeful that it might hit it's mark, but I also watched the faces of Trump, his family, and Vance, and it was evident that her words were reaching deaf ears, later confirmed by Trump's response to the reporter.
This Bishop makes me proud to be an Episcopalian. Alas, I can't see myself forgiving Trump. He amplifies his greed and hate by stirring up folks that might have been more amenable to helping their neighbors.
During the Bush II administration, Randy Newman wrote a song with lines something like”He’s the worst we ever had, but not the worst that’s ever been.”
I still feel like this about Trump (except maybe for James Buchanan (but maybe not). Trump still ain’t Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot. Yet—and I still hope he won’t be.
(But he did issue an Executive Order today which is pushing anti-Birthright Citizenship for evil: repealing Lyndon Johnson’s historic anti-discrimination in federal hiring order)
Trump reminds me of what I overheard my Navy chief commented to a slacking seaman over 50 years ago. He said the seaman was lower than whale shit and nothing is lower than whale shit.
Having voted “pure scum”, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to scum (and swamps) everywhere for the gratuitous slur. Scum (and swamps) are valuable and necessary ecosystems. I think “cesspool” would be a better term for the ecosystem that has infested the body politic.
I just can't call a human being, presumably with a soul if you believe in them, pure scum. I kind of wish I could.
It does remind me of an old Punch joke (WW2) of a British couple at breakfast. Wife to fuming husband: "Calm yourself, dear. Even Hitler cannot be both dregs and scum."
As one of those women priests I have never been prouder of my denomination than I was yesterday. Many of us have been preaching that same sermon for a long time, but until yesterday no one had the chance to preach to that particular congregation. Brava to Bishop Buddy. And I hope she has good security.
"Brava to Bishop Buddy. And I hope she has good security." In the midst of all the plans to destroy our political civility, this hope rends my heart. That such a woman, a cleric of such obvious gentleness should need protection for having spoken truth to power makes me realize how far we have fallen.
I have a serious question: How do you address this with your congregation? My father is a deeply religious Episcopalian who seems to have forgotten his obligation to love his neighbor, and I struggle with finding a not-hypocritcal way to remind him of who he has always been.
That's a good question. I have the good fortune of being at a progressive parish in Atlanta. We talk about these things all the time, no matter who the president is. We have lively discussions in Sunday School and I (a former journalist) often tie sermons into what is going on in the world. I sent Bishop Budde's sermon to the congregation yesterday, and I'm sure it will be a topic of conversation on Sunday. Is your dad open to reading or talking to his priest?
The one he liked and respected retired and moved away. In the last decade or so, he has grumbled that his church is making diversity hires (without really thinking about the subtext of what he's saying, apparently) and is deeply unhappy that the rector is gay. He attends a Bible study in DC, but seems to no longer really connect emotionally with what he's reading and discussing. So the short answer is yes, but it seems like either the supports have been kicked away by time and tide--and his own attitude. I think if I gave him something to read, he would. Perhaps he would even absorb it.
Among his litany of whiny criticisms, the Crybaby-in-Chief complained that the service was “boring.” What was he expecting, strippers?
He was expecting the sermon to be about him, in a laudatory way. He has little interest in, and little attention span for, anything else.
He was sitting next to one.
Am assuming this is a rhetorical question...
The man is a seriously damaged human being --- for a number of documented reasons. We have several places for damaged human beings. The White House ain't one of them.
I would have LOVED to be in the room when #47 learned that he couldn't de-fund the Cathedral. The entire service was great with numerous religions represented. Her entire sermon is excellent. #47 only fell asleep once.
Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest.
Women stand tall in the Episcopal Church as priests and bishops.
Pure scum would be embarrassed by comparison to Trump.
In case anyone here wants to send Bishop Mariann Budde a thank you note. Here is her address:
Bishop Budde
Washington National Cathedral
PO Box 98283
Washington, DC 20090-8283
I would suggest a postcard. They might like to know right away that it isn't a threat. Because I can only assume there are some people who will mail very nasty things to her.
I’m one of the very few who said he isn’t pure scum. For the very reasons that I am an old school Christian who believes that no one is beyond redemption— and who always hopes there is a little spark in there that might seek it.
This doesn’t mean I won’t oppose his actions with all my ability. But I refuse to be sucked into denying his humanity.
I am willing to entertain the possibility that he is the anti-Christ, however.
Laura, I too am a Christian and would not call him scum for that reason, but I do think he may be the anti-Christ, and mentioned that today to the cashier at my Giant, who replied that she has been thinking the same. I watched the entire prayer service and was awed by Bishop Budde's courage to speak truth to power, and was hopeful that it might hit it's mark, but I also watched the faces of Trump, his family, and Vance, and it was evident that her words were reaching deaf ears, later confirmed by Trump's response to the reporter.
This Bishop makes me proud to be an Episcopalian. Alas, I can't see myself forgiving Trump. He amplifies his greed and hate by stirring up folks that might have been more amenable to helping their neighbors.
During the Bush II administration, Randy Newman wrote a song with lines something like”He’s the worst we ever had, but not the worst that’s ever been.”
I still feel like this about Trump (except maybe for James Buchanan (but maybe not). Trump still ain’t Hitler or Stalin or Pol Pot. Yet—and I still hope he won’t be.
(But he did issue an Executive Order today which is pushing anti-Birthright Citizenship for evil: repealing Lyndon Johnson’s historic anti-discrimination in federal hiring order)
Trump reminds me of what I overheard my Navy chief commented to a slacking seaman over 50 years ago. He said the seaman was lower than whale shit and nothing is lower than whale shit.
Demento sees only himself in the mirror. Not the death and destruction behind.
Having voted “pure scum”, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to scum (and swamps) everywhere for the gratuitous slur. Scum (and swamps) are valuable and necessary ecosystems. I think “cesspool” would be a better term for the ecosystem that has infested the body politic.
He'd need at least two upgrades to qualify as scum
I just can't call a human being, presumably with a soul if you believe in them, pure scum. I kind of wish I could.
It does remind me of an old Punch joke (WW2) of a British couple at breakfast. Wife to fuming husband: "Calm yourself, dear. Even Hitler cannot be both dregs and scum."