I had never seen the onion video, and as a baseball fan, I found it hilarious.
I have long held that what distinguishes Phillies and Mets fans is their obsession with the other team.
Given the choice of cheering for their pitcher as he takes a perfect game into the late innings, or heckling mercilessly as the other team's villainous star player strikes out, they choose the latter.
I had never seen the onion video, and as a baseball fan, I found it hilarious.
I have long held that what distinguishes Phillies and Mets fans is their obsession with the other team.
Given the choice of cheering for their pitcher as he takes a perfect game into the late innings, or heckling mercilessly as the other team's villainous star player strikes out, they choose the latter.
What more could one expect from a Philthies Phan. Then again, My Lovely Wife would probably have as her final baseball-related wish to be in left field at Oracle Park to heckle Michael Conforto
Some years ago, there was an obit for a lifelong Iggles fan that said that he had requested members of the team to be his pallbearers so that they could let him down one last time.
I had never seen the onion video, and as a baseball fan, I found it hilarious.
I have long held that what distinguishes Phillies and Mets fans is their obsession with the other team.
Given the choice of cheering for their pitcher as he takes a perfect game into the late innings, or heckling mercilessly as the other team's villainous star player strikes out, they choose the latter.
Every time.
What more could one expect from a Philthies Phan. Then again, My Lovely Wife would probably have as her final baseball-related wish to be in left field at Oracle Park to heckle Michael Conforto
Some years ago, there was an obit for a lifelong Iggles fan that said that he had requested members of the team to be his pallbearers so that they could let him down one last time.