I’m getting annoyed at the shoddy editing on articles that are written to run online and then are “reprinted” in the paper. That same tech article had a line that was clearly a hyperlink in the article but worthless as a paper reader. If you are going to review 5 items, put a damn picture of the items in the paper.
I’m getting annoyed at the shoddy editing on articles that are written to run online and then are “reprinted” in the paper. That same tech article had a line that was clearly a hyperlink in the article but worthless as a paper reader. If you are going to review 5 items, put a damn picture of the items in the paper.
I’m getting annoyed at the shoddy editing on articles that are written to run online and then are “reprinted” in the paper. That same tech article had a line that was clearly a hyperlink in the article but worthless as a paper reader. If you are going to review 5 items, put a damn picture of the items in the paper.