Our Father who art in heaven, Harold be thy name!

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Lost in the night? I have written several short comments over the past weeks and can not find them. I keep wondering if I entered them properly or that they have faded into the background noise as perhaps they should. One about a trick act on Ed Sullivan and one abut a dream that came true. Can we search this substack?

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I have not taken the poll yet because, as usual, it is still saying, “LOADING...” I don’t know whether this is an issue with my Internet connection, my browser, Reddit, or something else, but it is beyond frustrating and is only one of my frustrations with this page (including the fact that there is no “POST” button for this comment).

Okay, now in a different browser, I have been able to both take the poll and post a comment, so I guess it's Chrome that is the problem. <sigh>

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I use Chrome and have no issues. Perhaps it is a browser extension that you have installed that is interfering?

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Here are some things you can try if forms on Substack aren't working in Chrome:

Disable extensions:

Go to chrome://extensions or At the top right, click More More tools ► Extensions. There, disable all of them by toggling them off. See if you still have the said issues. If not, it might be caused by one of your extensions. Try enabling them one by one to see which is the culprit.

Try momentarily disabling any antivirus or malware software. If it works, you will need to check your software's documentation to see how to add "substack.com" as a safe site.

Check your Firewall (if you are using one): Make sure to whitelist "substack.com" in your firewall configuration.

Try resetting chrome &/or creating a new user profile:


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I would suspect Kaspersky except that it would cause the same problems with Edge that it does with Chrome (and in fact I have disabled Kaspersky in Chrome, anyway). This would also apply to any firewall (not aware that I have one).

The extensions I have enabled are these: Adobe Acrobat, Convert WebP to JPG, Tab Activate, Google Translate and Translate Selected Text, plus Google Docs Offline. I have no idea how that last one got activated, as I don't use Google Docs at all.

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It's on by default.

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