If they want to rename the Blue Plains treatment plant after Trump, I might be able to get behind it.

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I still call it National Airport and refuse to call it Rogan …. Ooops Reagan …. Nixon / Reagan / Trump … the Three Stooges of the Apocalypse!

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I kinda like Dulles-Trump, pronounced Dull-As-Trump, or even better, Dull-Ass-Trump.

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Yes, yes, yes!!! I wondered why Thai was left off the list. Can we give it extra votes to make up for the other rounds?

True story. Before I left to go to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1980, we wanted to try some Thai food. In all of Atlanta there was one Thai restaurant. It’s still there, but it has been joined by Thai food in almost every strip mall in Atlanta and every other place I’ve lived. I see this as one of the great improvements to America.

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l was wondering what the fallout would be after CNN CEO Mark Thompson told star reporters not to bring up details of Trumps past or to pre-judge him. Today, Jim Acosta, my favorite male CNN reporter, announced he has left CNN after 18 years. His farewell speech is short and to the point and I hope everyone listens to it. He will be missed and I hope he finds a position where he can speak truth to power as he has done for the past 18 years.

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"Don't pre-judge Trump for the things he has done" is a level of stupid that's low even for the execrable CNN. Collaboration is right on brand for them.

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As a diplomat, I visited Turkmenistan when Saparmurat Niyazov, aka "Turkmenbashi" (father of the Turkmen) was president. It was a surreal place, and an apt metaphor for what's happening here in Trumpmanistan.

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Amazing experience, I’m sure!

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Wonder if Google Streets will also rename Demento's beach resort "Shithole-by-the Sea-and-Lake?" After all, wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression that he favors the Spanish language now would we? Maybe rename Melania. "Melon" sounds about right. And the rest of the family. There would be "Barren," Dumb and Dumber, of course. I'll have to get back on the others. I'm throwing up in my mouth now.

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Baron (minus an "r") is probably appropriate, his being in the line of succession and all. Prince and Duke for the other two, if only "Prince" were not already taken by a black man. It hadn't been taken at the time, so I wouldn't be surprised if Don Jr. was named that, and dropped it in the mid-eighties (or nineties, whenever the family found out that a famous black guy had stolen his name.) Bad enough that Charles and Rainier had rudely swiped it.

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I once had lunch with a woman who, when I offered her some particularly delicious avocado, said, "No, thanks. It looks spicy." I wonder if she's rigging this poll!

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Right? These are the choices of children and invalids!

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If we all go out and use it in all of our social and antisocial media posts, do you think we could make “right from the gecko” a part of the language, or at least a week long viral wonder?

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I am sure there are plenty of idiots who already use it. We need something better, more unreasonable. I propose "right from the Jethro", claiming that it arises from Jethro Bodine's enthusiastic willingness to do whatever someone asked of him.

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I was torn between Italian and Thai until I remembered Pizza! is Italian. Or is it? Are we attributing Americanized Italian cuisine to the Italian side or just authentically Italian cuisine like arrosticini (mmmm...)?

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I'm Italian; I love Italian food. But when I go out to dinner, I want food that I don't usually eat/prepare at home. To me, certain foods -- Thai, French -- have a "delicacy" that Italian food doesn't have, and many Italian "restaurants" nowadays are just sub shops or pizzerias.

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Gulf of Trump's Anus

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It needs to be Gulf-like in order to accomodate:

The lips of Fox news commentators,

the noses of all the tech bros,

the heads of republican congresspersons,

Lindsey Graham's entire being,

the dicks of all the crypto-scammers...

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I visited Thailand before I married, and for our first anniversary spent a week in Bangkok. We stayed in a smaller hotel favored by Japanese travelers. When the owner learned we were from Texas, he would have breakfast with us. His son was a student in a Houston medical school. We tried many excellent restaurants and in the hotel often got Thai fried rice. It was great. Many Americans would order beef a it was not what they did so well. At new years (Asian) the hotel had a party for all of its guest. Just wonderful! And all free. A week to remember 52 years ago.

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Denali is not called Mount Denali, it's just Denali. One of my McKinley relatives is so annoyed by the name change that he's considering changing his last name to Denali on Facebook.

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at least in Turkmenistan they have gorgeous horses.

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Can we send them a stable genius?

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Reanme IAD Trump International? I'll never use it again if they do that!

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Renaming Dulles Airport? Smart political move. Fawning is a tried and true method to stay in the Orange Menace's good graces -- especially when the bill has little chance of getting out of committee, much less passing (we hope). We also hope that the D's send a very clear warning that if such a change happens, as soon as they return to power (whenever that is -- sooner rather than later, we hope), not only will Dulles/Trump be renamed, but so will Reagan, and maybe even Bush.

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If we're going to change the name of National Airport (please!), I suggest a bill naming it Roosevelt Airport, without specifying which Roosevelt. It would be a good Rorschach test to see whether Rs like it, thinking of Teddy (not MAGA, but also considered a madman) or whether they refuse it, thinking of Franklin (or that commie Eleanor).

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But WHICH America? North, South, Central, or Vespucci?

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