Changing my prior poll answer. Yes, I’m deeply embarrassed to be an American.

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I'm not embarrassed to be an American, but I'm embarrassed for my country that we have to put up with this bullshit for 3 years and 10 months.

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Don't be so pessimistic. He might die before then.

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Not so fast. If Trump passes, we are stuck with President Vance which I believe would be worse.

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That's an interesting but debatable point. Vance has shown himself to be highly ambitious and willing to say/do just about anything to get what he wants, and is much more articulate than tRump -- indeed, he was one of the more effective critics of tRump before he turned on a dime to become a True Believer -- but we don't yet know how he'd behave if and when he gets the power he craves.

The tRump vs. Vance argument is a bit like the discussions I used to have with my ten-year-old pals way back in the day: "Would you rather burn to death in a fire or be eaten by a shark?"

Still, we know all too well what a complete flaming disaster tRump is and will continue to be, so as much as I fear the Vance we saw in action yesterday -- when he played Robin to tRump's Batman in ganging up on Zelensky -- I'd be glad to see tRump leave office as soon as possible, whatever the circumstances.

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From your lips to God's ears ... and the sooner, the better.

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I don't wish him death. If he would simply resign, then I'd wish him a long life in prison for those crimes for which the six Republican political hacks on the Supreme Court have not immunized him. My object is to save the people of the U.S., Ukraine, and the rest of the world from the harm he will inflict on them. I don't feel malice toward him personally; he suffers from a severe mentally illness.

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Truthfully, his illness includes hurting other people. On a massive scale. Hate is well earned.

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You're a better man than I. I want a stake driven through his heart, and his corpse then shot into the sun.

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Really? I think he would be vastly improved by death

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I grant that it would save him from the massive insecurities from which he is never free.

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We need to get past thinking we are just going to ride this asshat's treason out for a term.

He and this regime must be removed.

If the American people are not up to demanding impeachment then we do not have a country worth saving.

By 2028 his cabal will have dismantled every aspect of democracy or a functional society.

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Trump has shamed only those who voted for him. And most of them probably don't know it. I'm a U.S. citizen, but he doesn't represent me.

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This is incorrect. We are collectively responsible for this shameless imbecile heading the Trump regime. We have no right to be proud of America anymore, not until he is gone.

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I agree that we are collectively responsible, but I think that has little meaning. Since we have presidential elections, we're all collectively responsible for every president and every president's actions. So what?

To not be ashamed of America for Trump's actions does not mean to be proud of America. I've never been proud of America, with its history of slavery, Jim Crow, Native American genocide, imperialism, and its currently, even before Trump, being the worst developed country on earth by any measure -- workers' rights, health coverage, education, mass transportation, animal welfare, environmental protection, and on and on.

Furthermore, it makes no sense to be proud or ashamed of something for which you have no responsibility, such as having been born in a particular country.

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May you both have a good meal. Please convey on our behalf the collective feeling of shame the Gene Pool has for Il Douche's and Juvenile Delinquent Vance's performance.

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Please tell them how ashamed we are of our hateful and rude V.P. and so called President and how much we side with Ukraine and against our despicable leaders!

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The day the US invaded Iraq was the most ashamed and angry I’ve ever been to be American. Today is the second. I am verklempt😞

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I am embarrassed as hell to be a US citizen! Hope your Ukrainian food is fantastic!

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Trump is a child—a very, very dangerous and petty brat. What a shameful display of bullying the brave leader of an embattled country by a guy who dodged the draft and his poodle of a vice-president. Disgusting.

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Awesome! I’m ashamed of our president and his abominable behavior.

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David Frum in The Atlantic, about the meeting/ambush: https://tinyurl.com/5ahpkfrn

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I have no idea what Ukranian cuisine is like. Please let us know what (and how) it is.

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Spectacularly good. Among our favorite restaurants in DC. Mostly Eastern European peasant food, exquisitely prepared, and served, by Ukrainian immigrants. Stupendously good and generous drinks. I offered my abject apologies. The staff was nearly in tears.

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I love that so much. I so wish I could find a group of Ukrainians to whom I could apologize and hug.

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Like much of Eastern European cuisine it tends toward the hearty or, put another way, eat and two days later you're hungry again.

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I cried

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Have an extra drink for me.

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Thanks for the Ukraine support inspiration. We are dining at Ruta MD tonight. On the reservation site, it asks if this is a special occasion. I put "Celebration" and elaborated, "Celebrating your country's bravery."

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What a nice gesture of support! Enjoy!

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Oh, and Ukrainian food is similar to Polish food although they eat their pierogi (Varenyky) with sour cream. Lotsa kapusta.

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