I'd keep in mind that folks can LOVE their kids the same but maybe not LIKE their kids the same.

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Exactly. Not to mention that if you have never truly loved, then you can love your kids the same (not at all).

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I am totally outraged by two things: First the Republicans who want to take money already appropriated from the IRS and how they all look like a bunch of tax cheating crooks. And second, all who want to short Ukraine for reason to force Biden to mistreat border crossers as Trump did. we need the workers that cross the border. Best to fix the immigrations laws, but right now we should be kind to all who enter the USA and treat them with respect. Not outrage and this carp.

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they really really hate carp.

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There's a carp?

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I carp. That is not crap.

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>>>Once upon a time I had a knack for being the last guy a woman would date before they met their >>>husband.

What I want to know is, what the hell were you doing on those dates to make all those women immediately seek the security of wedded life? And did you get dated by women who heard about your talent and were looking to find a husband?

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A question from my husband— where is Johnson’s paycheck deposited? Does he cash it somewhere that takes a fee? My thought: Maybe Johnson’s mommy keeps his money and gives him an allowance?

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It’s super weird like him, he should just say where it is deposited.

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Loving the Rodney contact and decision-making. I agree with Rodney’s taste in that process. Saget was a famous stand-up comedian too, raunchier than you might think. I saw Rodney, brilliant. I saw Joan Rivers, too, in Vegas. Amazing.

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When I read the first Gene Poll question, I clicked on "Yes" immediately. I was thinking, "well, yeah. I only have one child". Then I saw the second question, and smiled. Could someone tell me the results of the second question? I am not allowed to answer.

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I think people love their children in different ways. It's not a quantifiable amount of "love." You probably value one child for one thing and find him/her frustrating in another. For the other child (or each of the other children) it's going to be a different thing.

You might enjoy one's company more than the other's, might find one more sensible or helpful. But when it comes down to how much you want your children to grow to a happy adulthood, and you want them to be safe, those things just don't factor in enough that you would LOVE one more than the other.

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I do agree. love (even if you can define it objectively) is quantifiable only in big increments. ‘A bit’, ‘a lot’, ‘completely’. Both my daughters qualify for the latter from me.

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It's 2-1 in favor of "love them equally."

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What Pat said, though.

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Something similar to the carjacking happened to me in real life. A guy snatched my purse and called me a bitch because I tried to hold onto it. Not funny, but true.

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Yeah, when I wrote that, I figured it happened in real life a lot. The absurd part would be the victim seriously taking the profane criticism to heart.

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So you posted an account of the greatest work of English literature without so much as a {spoiler alert}?

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Apologies. Also, Rosebud was his sled.

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I just saw the musical “Hadestown,” which is based on the Orpheus and Eurydice story. The way the audience GASPED when Orpheus looked back and sent Eurydice back to hell...

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Nothing wrong with dark rimmed glasses; they can make a person look focused and even intelligent. In my opinion.

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I went with equally as much because it goes up and down for both of them, depending on the details of the day.

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Apparently there's to be a sequel next year to the formidable "Cain's Jawbone" murder mystery by only the fourth (publicly known) person to solve it since it was first published in 1934. Not surprising, since the original with its 100 pages purposely published out of order is estimated to have page combinations (and possible solutions) of a figure with 158 digits (100 factorial), with only one being correct.

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My my, Week 44 already. How time flies when you're Losing. Speaking of time ---yes, as you've no doubt noticed ---it is that time. Time for Wednesday Pre-Black Friday sales and the first stirrings of holiday greeting angst, especially for the more sensitive among us. Should it be a "Merry Christmas," a neutral "Happy Holidays," or perhaps the one-size-fits-all, "Have a Happy Merry ?" Then there's always the completely nondescript and quite possibly unintelligible, "Have a wonderful time of year." Or, do you simply smile, give a silent thumbs up and then quickly scurry away ? Decisions, decisions. Also it's perhaps time to consider adding to the forced jollity awaiting us. IMO, there's simply not enough. Sure we have Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa but --- with us all primed and ready and retail having been since July 5 --- I think we need more holidays. Maybe a formal “Regifting Day.” It's time this custom was moved out of the shadows and given its due. Possibly, a U.S. version of the U.K.'s “Boxing Day” when, in the great American tradition of single-issue concern --- we give each other empty boxes as a symbol of our guilt and feigned disgust for holiday excesses --- and a complete disregard for the environment.

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The prank about filling the gas tank in the Cadillac is an old joke, so I’d be surprised if it actually happened in this case. I think there was even a movie that used this, but I can’t find it.

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Tom and Ray Magliozzi regaled "Car Talk" listeners with claims of pulling this prank on more than one occasion. They added that after several episodes of adding gas, they would then siphon gas out to enhance the differential effect.

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Walter Matthau and his son did it to an obnoxious neighbor in a movie. Carol Burnett played the wife.

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Yes! The movie is Pete & Tillie.

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Rachel needs to defend her honor. King Lear is the all-time greatest work of English literature.

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I agree with Gene, a story must be funny, and real, and it’s funny because it’s real. (Minor edits allowed) I pulled behind a guy filling his tires at an air pump. He looked professional, thirties, on way to work like me. I told him his tire looked low. Then I helped him find the recommended psi on his door jamb and watched the pump complete as he filled his tires. He drove away, didn’t need to thank me but I thought he was like an alien from the Tommy Lee Jones movie. Didn’t seem to know anything human.

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The poll about whether it was ok for Minhaj to make up stories/exacerbating details that he presented as true in his stand-up routine should have been accompanied by a poll as to whether the user him- or herself ever presents untrue-but-funny stories as if they were real events that happened to them. Might have been enlightening.

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The point is that he wasn't just telling an anecdote to amuse his audience, as, say, David Sedaris does, or any number of comics. He was telling a false (not just a bit too polished) story, with really serious charges, to make a point that Muslims are persecuted, and that his family feels fear, discrimination, aggression, and more.

Muslims DO face harassment and more. If he didn't think the real details of his family's experiences were persuasive enough, then that's his job to convey to the audience -- with his storytelling skills of evoking emotion -- that what DID happen to them were frightening/ humiliating, etc. Not to make the details worse. That's doing an injustice to the truth.

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I don’t disagree with you (or the other guy). I just think a poll would be enlightening and might possibly lead to some self-reflection on the other side.

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