Oh do you have to pull the wings off the poor chickens? haha I'm vegan. Someone said that vegans have to always disclose their presence. I don't usually and I also have a gluten allergy, and I hate that whole events, family, even work, go out of their way to limit their menu. I find something to eat regardless I guarantee it.

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I thought the answer was AMENBOD.

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Pat and many of the SIDs members may remember that I was infected with the plague known as C. Diff. At the time, I heard about the alternative method to do a fecal implant ("bottom's up" or "up-bottom's"?) Had I not responded to the second round of Vancomycin, my gastro doctor was ready to do the doo, so to speak. Thankfully, the antibiotics worked. Someone on SIDs (maybe Alex) told me about feces in frozen tablets being taken orally. I thought to myself, and may have even replied, "I like poopsicles. Do they come in chocolate?"

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True story. My wife's aunt was in long-term care in Sibley Hospital's elder unit. My wife was visiting one day when Aunt Mare commented a bit too loudly about some DC poobah's jackassery. This midlle aged dude strides up and says 'Do you know who I am?' Aunt Mare looks him over and replies 'No, dear. But I'm sure that nice lady at the desk can help you find your room.'

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" I once asked Bruce – who is a vegan – if he would eat meat from a genetically engineered headless cow, and he said yes. It’s all about pain and mistreatment." I am not a vegetarian, but have been trying to significantly reduce my intake of all forms of meat because of the inhumane treatment of animals raised solely for food. Including eating Impossible "meats" because they do seem to be a good swap for things like tacos or burgers (ie, things that are going to be served in a way that the underlying meat is largely irrelevant to begin with). If I could eat bacon-wrapped steaks knowing no animals were harmed in the making thereof, my arteries would hate me but I'd eat meat practically every meal. Because meat is delicious.

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I chose Biden was "mostly right" in running again only because otherwise I think it would have indicated serious disarray on the left. Been viewed as an admission of something when I don't think there's been any major missteps during his term so far. But man, do I wish there was a younger alternative.

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It would have to be a young Biden surrogate, because this race will be a referendum on Biden's four years. It's always about the incumbent. That's the problem.

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He's as blind as he can be

Just sees what he wants to see...

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There is. Everybody else in the race.

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" It’s all about pain and mistreatment."

And the answer is not "either / or."

Yes, we may make meat from chemicals and it may be much the same as we eat now. Or even better. But that will take time.

Right now we can do much better with livestock. We may need federal Laws to make things right, but compared to how we did when I was a child, animals get much worse treatment and lives. My grandparents lived on farms and lived with their animals. Care was much better, save medical care, and most had a sense of concern. Now with feed lots and chicken factories we get less expensive food. But at what cost to our lives?

Is there any public support for better care? I have no idea and suspect that it is not an issue for most. But it should be. If e want an ethical society, that is.

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This isn’t something I should have known, or even wished I had, but…

When I was 53, I found out that my fingerprints can’t be taken (in the conventional way, with ink and paper. No doubt there are devices now that can, but I’ve had no reason to be fingerprinted since 2010.). I worked for the U.S. Census that year and got to do a few extra things before it started. All census takers had to be fingerprinted. So that FBI agents didn’t have to take each set personally, they held a day-long class to teach representatives from each area how to do it. In that class, not one of the dozen professional FBI fingerprinters could get a clean set from me. After multiple tries, they gave up, saying because of my small fingers, tiny ridges, too soft, whatever, I was unprintable.

I can’t help but wonder if my life would have taken a different trajectory had I known early on I was genetically predisposed to a career in crime. Nah. Well, maybe…Nah.

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I'm especially curious about this because I have signally failed to get my iPhone to recognize any one of my fingers. I "train" it, and it works ONCE, and after that I'm back to using a PIN. This actually doesn't bother me that much because I think about the dismay of someone who cuts a finger off my corpse and tries to open my phone.

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Haha! And you won't get to see it! Yeah, mine recognizes my fingerprint only a little more than half the time.

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Just a small correction--the cicadas were here in May 2021, not last year.

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Oh, yeah? Then why are they still ringing in my ears? Thank you -- I'll fix that!

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Gene --- As the ranking anal instructive in these here parts, wouldn't be surprised if you were in the running for this year's "The Man Most Likely to Talk Shit" award from the International Society of Coloproctology.

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To clarify terminology on newspaper obituaries, at least in The Washington Post, which is the only place I've ever worked that ran them: An obituary is a news story, written by a reporter in the newsroom (or someone commission to write one in advance for a famous person). Those are written under newsroom standards; the family doesn't get to say what will and won't be included, such as the cause of death, or controversy in the person's life. There's not any euphemistic writing in those; nor is there information about the funeral, etc. A "death notice" is a classified AD paid for (now with many $$$) by the family. The family can say whatever it likes, paying by the word; the paper would object only to wording it wouldn't accept in an advertisement -- for example, something that was a lie about another person, or a racist comment. (Meanwhile, the "use the bathroom" wording in the story about the dog was ridiculous; I'd figured that it was in a cutesy feature story, where it might be defensible as a humor device, but nope: It was a story about a dachshund that was stolen from a backyard.)

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I certainly see the difference, and had never thought about it before. I only read them in local papers, where the death notices are called obituaries, and nothing is called a death notice. It's seldom that a person who dies around here is famous enough to rate a news story, but when there is, it's with the other news stories.

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You are aware that the family written things are not obituaries, but death notices. The paper generates revenue from the latter, not from the former. The paper, or whatever it is these days, is not going to edit something that it charges for by the inch.

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Any guy who tells his most humiliating experience and does not include the term “ wet spot” is lying his ass off

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For fans of "Yeah, no," (used in other than the more usual sarcastic way), I offer the ultimate in polite-speak from Vicky Pollard of "Little Britain" fame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsl7-TJtPew

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Re; "yeah, no": Reminds me of the joked wherein someone says, "Two negatives always make a positive, but two positives never make a negative." And someone replies, sarcastically, "Yeah, right."

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I adore this in its entirety. Yoink.

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This is reallyy clever.

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Q: Do old people have sex?

A: Yes they do. When you stop having sex, you're not old, you're dead.

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When they can.

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Sex includes a great range of activities. Not all of them become difficult with age.

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I didn't make myself clear enough. I didn't mean if they are able; I meant WHENEVER THEY CAN!!!

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Heinlein wrote that. I disagree.

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Or neutered.

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Or relieved. Some of us see a “how to stay sexy at 60” article and think “can we not, at some point, finally rest?”

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I know that not everyone enjoys sex, but I found this response somewhat depressing.

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Oh, no need to be depressed. Some folks just lose the drive and are totally okay with it. And WE are bummed by the expectation that we remain “attractive” instead of being allowed to retreat to the forest and tend our lichen colonies

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If being attractive were a prerequisite for having sex, we'd have a much smaller population

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