I didn't know we could use famous anagrams in our sentences, but it was very appropriately funny how Jeff used it to contrast with his new anagram, ACNE UGLINESS.
I liked 2nd runner up best, but also really like Duncan Stevens' anagram of Pete Hegseth! Reminded me of the pun " Hey McCloud, get off of my Ewe! " from the Rolling Stones hit.
Hey, first 46 people who leaped to take the poll: Would you mind voting again? We made a fix to the poll and the first votes were wiped out. (If you can't vote again, you weren't one of these 46.)
Just as adjectives in common use to describe something awful don't begin to represent the administration of Demento the Clueless, so POTUS no longer does justice as the proper acronym for the outsized figure currently squatting in the People's House. No, what we need are trenchant, truly descriptive acronyms to replace it. Acronyms like my favorite, "Biggest Liar of All Time" (BLOATUS). How about "Undoubtedly Senile Egomaniacal Lout" (USELUS). Then there's the always popular "Demented Outsize Orange Felon" (DOOFUS) and of course, the dark horse candidate, "Totally Unhinged Corrupt Hypocrite" (TUCHUS).
I didn't know we could use famous anagrams in our sentences, but it was very appropriately funny how Jeff used it to contrast with his new anagram, ACNE UGLINESS.
That's exactly why we liked it so much: ALEC GUINNESS = GENUINE CLASS is famous, but this spanks it with some ick.
Blue ribbon to Duncan Stevens’ Hesgeth and sheep anagrams!
I liked 2nd runner up best, but also really like Duncan Stevens' anagram of Pete Hegseth! Reminded me of the pun " Hey McCloud, get off of my Ewe! " from the Rolling Stones hit.
Hey, first 46 people who leaped to take the poll: Would you mind voting again? We made a fix to the poll and the first votes were wiped out. (If you can't vote again, you weren't one of these 46.)
Just as adjectives in common use to describe something awful don't begin to represent the administration of Demento the Clueless, so POTUS no longer does justice as the proper acronym for the outsized figure currently squatting in the People's House. No, what we need are trenchant, truly descriptive acronyms to replace it. Acronyms like my favorite, "Biggest Liar of All Time" (BLOATUS). How about "Undoubtedly Senile Egomaniacal Lout" (USELUS). Then there's the always popular "Demented Outsize Orange Felon" (DOOFUS) and of course, the dark horse candidate, "Totally Unhinged Corrupt Hypocrite" (TUCHUS).
Not sure which one of those I like best!
Anybody got Tick Tock's phone number?
The INSIDER anagrams were prompted by a recent ScrabbleGrams puzzle rack.
Imagine Dragons has claimed the band’s name is an anagram of something else.
You got 7 inks! Great showing this week.
I didn’t think of it before deadline but I was surprised not to see anything with Tesla, stale, least and slate
I loved Duncan's EXECUTIVE ORDERS.
great, now I'm hungry for Wendy's.
I would just as soon eat can o' bat.
Mmm, can o' bat. Now in pumpkin spice!
Have you ever seen one close up and personal? I wish I never had.