Oh, for heaven's sake: You don't use KEYS? ANY Keys? I know cars use fobs nowadays, but that's KIND OF a key. And what do you have on your house? A combination lock?
Oh, for heaven's sake: You don't use KEYS? ANY Keys? I know cars use fobs nowadays, but that's KIND OF a key. And what do you have on your house? A combination lock?
I have multiple house keys. I also have punch code locks. The keys are for if the batteries in the code locks fail. (They’re not wifi or anything, a single 9V can go a few years). I’ve forgotten which house key goes where, but it’s only a matter of trial and error should the need arise.
I do. Firstly, habit. Second, I’ve still got to keep my car key/fobs with me, better to keep everything together than scatter it around random places “for safekeeping”. If I’m going on a vacation where I won’t be driving MY car, I will leave the key ring at home.
Oh, for heaven's sake: You don't use KEYS? ANY Keys? I know cars use fobs nowadays, but that's KIND OF a key. And what do you have on your house? A combination lock?
I must really be old.....
I have multiple house keys. I also have punch code locks. The keys are for if the batteries in the code locks fail. (They’re not wifi or anything, a single 9V can go a few years). I’ve forgotten which house key goes where, but it’s only a matter of trial and error should the need arise.
But you don't carry your keys do you? The probability of all of your keypad lock batteries failing at once is 0.
I do. Firstly, habit. Second, I’ve still got to keep my car key/fobs with me, better to keep everything together than scatter it around random places “for safekeeping”. If I’m going on a vacation where I won’t be driving MY car, I will leave the key ring at home.
I don't CARRY keys. Occasionally I use one (for my shed).
We have Schlage BE365 Keypad Deadbolts on all exterior doors.