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About that business of yours, swishing saliva in time to a song --- it could also be considered a "spit take," just more socially acceptable. Speaking of something else worthy of a rimshot, I note the woman-on-the-street didn't recognize you until you insulted her (in the most amusing way, of course). Some rep you got. A Rickles with hair. As for the reason for the (temporary) absence or abeyance of humor, I think the wrongly, but appropriately, attributed "Yogi Berra" observation, "It's déjà vu all over again," about sums it up for me. A great many of us are still in shock that a plurality (this time) of the rest of us could vote yet again for the very definition of a yutz (you could look it up), among the various "-utzes." Humor always manages to raise its defiant head under the worst of circumstances because it has the rare power to heal, for the moment at least, and it will do so again, soon. I'll bet my um... eccentric...habit of mining for belly button lint and then mindlessly rolling it twixt thumb and forefinger on it. A guilty pleasure those of you with "outies" must unfortunately forgo, although umbilicoplasty is an option.

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He's a putz even more than a yutz. The best among the "utzes", of course, are pretzels.

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Let's neologize and call him a "pyutz." Not sure I agree with your pretzel logic. There! Now you know how humanity feels about your continued criming against it. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed. Maybe even abashed. And dana even think about it...

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Punsters are immune to shame. It comes with the territory.


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