Not watching a lot of TV so hard to comment on that. But generally the problem for me is not despair over the fate of our Republic, rather it’s BTDT. I don’t need or want “Stupid Trump Tricks Round 2,” seen that movie, let’s have something new. Case in point: I must have written two dozen Trump parody songs from 2015 to 2020 … my thinkin…
Not watching a lot of TV so hard to comment on that. But generally the problem for me is not despair over the fate of our Republic, rather it’s BTDT. I don’t need or want “Stupid Trump Tricks Round 2,” seen that movie, let’s have something new. Case in point: I must have written two dozen Trump parody songs from 2015 to 2020 … my thinking now is zero for the next administration … again not due to dread but rather the material doesn’t feel fresh.
Not watching a lot of TV so hard to comment on that. But generally the problem for me is not despair over the fate of our Republic, rather it’s BTDT. I don’t need or want “Stupid Trump Tricks Round 2,” seen that movie, let’s have something new. Case in point: I must have written two dozen Trump parody songs from 2015 to 2020 … my thinking now is zero for the next administration … again not due to dread but rather the material doesn’t feel fresh.