May I suggest a compromise of sorts? Rather than having to actually learn French (a few names will do) --- and yet still be able to sufficiently turn your stomach, I recommend the following dishes beloved of the French: t├кte de veau (calf's head) or couilles de mouton (sheep's testicles) and for your cheese course, L'├йpoisses (perhaps the um..most pungent... of the French fromages --- if I remember correctly, the aroma of which is colloquially described as "pieds d'un facteur" or the "feet of a mailman"). In fact, you don't even have to partake to replenish your regurgitant. Just be in their vicinity.
Sorry, but the events of the past month have completely drained me of vomit. I had to settle for learning French.
You could vomit in French? Bleeeeechhh-oir.
May I suggest a compromise of sorts? Rather than having to actually learn French (a few names will do) --- and yet still be able to sufficiently turn your stomach, I recommend the following dishes beloved of the French: t├кte de veau (calf's head) or couilles de mouton (sheep's testicles) and for your cheese course, L'├йpoisses (perhaps the um..most pungent... of the French fromages --- if I remember correctly, the aroma of which is colloquially described as "pieds d'un facteur" or the "feet of a mailman"). In fact, you don't even have to partake to replenish your regurgitant. Just be in their vicinity.
Two out of three, anyway. I happen to love Epoisses, if it's not too far gone.
Well, I like your spirit.