Parallel parking seems to me to be one of those skills you need to practice to stay sharp at. I used to live in a building where the only parking was street parking (on one of the busiest streets in the city), and out of necessity I quickly became a goddamn sorcerer at parallel-parking. But then I moved up to a driveway lifestyle, and later moved to NYC and did away with driving almost altogether, and these days when I try to parallel park in a rental I look like a teenager flunking his driving exam.

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Also I believe the ability to parallel park depends on how many people are around. Too many people, and I'm going to screw it up royally.

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That's funny - when I drove a VERY large old car, I could draw applause for parallel parking in one swing. I used to wait for a crowd to gather. :)

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But “anally” is six letters!

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Beat me to it.

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Ooh, good point. Can the original poster explain?

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I think they meant Spelling Bee.

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Sorry, yes. Spelling Bee, not Wordle. (I'm the original poster)

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Because "nappy" is a derogatory term for Black people's hair. He also doesn't use "mammy" or "coon." "Spade" and "spook" wouldn't appear in any case because the letter S never appears in a Spelling Bee "hive."

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spade and spook were from wordle.

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I get it. I just think it's silly. If I submitted a story to the NYT that described having sex anally with someone wearing nappy blue pajamas, I would be surprised by the word they had a problem with.

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I imagine the writer meant the Spelling Bee rather than Wordle. Same restrictions there. One of my beefs is that "poop" is accepted but not "poopy." I conclude that Sam Ezersky doesn't have kids.

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I am sorry to say this, sort of, but that dead babies/bowling balls joke is not funny. And I'm not easily offended.

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Thanks so much. I could have gone all day without seeing a picture of Mike Lindell. Really.

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Re snoring: My answer of “always” is when not wearing my CPAP. With it, no snoring.

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If you think parallel parking into a tight space provides the ultimate in an automotive adrenaline rush, I suggest you haven't experienced the frisson (or rising dread) the first time you let your car do it --- using self-parking or parking assist.

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For those of you still pondering the reference to a spare bottom bed sheet in the ninth "Q" in the "Q&A" queue --- why ? The clue lies in the anecdote's general theme of precipitousness and the answer, I strongly suggest (wink, wink), has to do with (select all that apply):

(A) An available parental bed

(B) The inadvertent insemination of the bottom sheet

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And if it's the girl's first time...

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That too.

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I imagine that Mike Lindell is frequently in need of a spare pillow cover.

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For fellow insomniacs, an amazingly effective thing for me has been relaxing my jaw.


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kudos for your parallel parking skill, but please don't park in front or behind my car!

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Adlai Stevenson expected to win with a rallying cry adapted from The Communist Manifesto?!?

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Since when is being smart, and/or well informed, a requirement for anything? If you George Santosed every dumb-ass out of politics, what would you have left? Probably two guys who actually passed calculus, and several who actually know how to use toilet paper.

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“Congress consists of one-third, more or less, scoundrels; two-thirds, more or less, idiots; and three-thirds, more or less, poltroons.”

-- H. L. Mencken

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And when you "drain the swamp" there's nothing left but the muck at the bottom.

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Sorry, one more comment: Joseph Schumpeter used to tell people that when he was young, his aspirations were to become the world's greatest horseman, lover, and economist. After sharing this information, he would humbly bow his head to his audience and admit that, alas, he never learned to ride a horse.

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Thomas Dewey convinced Eisenhower to take Nixon as his VP to appease the “yokels.”

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Honestly, if you're a heterosexual man (and particularly if you are of anglo descent), you get points for just getting on the dance floor. Any movement beyond that is extra credit, and if you're able to be at all rhythmic while doing so you're basically showing off at that point.

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I have an old friend whose father directed the live broadcast of the TV news on one of our local stations. The station was bought out and the new owners decided to replace everyone on the production staff, so friend's dad was out of a job. He applied to the local university's communications department on the theory that he had 40 years of experience in the field, dating from a time long before anyone thought to invent a degree that would pre-certify the competence of people in communications. He was not eligible to teach the class because he did not have a college degree in any subject, much less the one he had been working in for 40 years. He ended his days of gainful employment working as a night watchman, then he died. Possibly due to the his several-pack-a-day habit of unfiltered cigarettes, seeing as it was lung cancer that killed him.

In fairness, the reason the station had been on the market was that it was consistently the #3 station in a 3-station market, so the new owners may have had a point with respect to replacing the production staff.

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About Haley, anybody who thinks the Republican Party is going to elect a brown woman as president of the United States has not been paying attention. A sizable part of that party is racist and sexist. A part large enough to prevent any women of color from succeeding.

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All I really want is for the fraction of the party that would vote for her to become so embittered that they absolutely won't vote for Trump. That would be a valuable contribution on her part.

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