My personal sosumi is coffee. For me, it smells great but tastes awful.

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Me too! It’s because there’s something like 50 different genes for tasting bitter. My husband says he can taste the bitter in coffee but it’s not bad. I say he doesn’t really taste it or he wouldn’t like it. He also likes Brussels sprouts which also taste bitter to me. In genetics class we tasted different things on paper that tasted different to different people. One was a chemical our professor said most people can’t taste it at all, 10% can and it’s ok and for 5% it tastes awful. I was one of the two in my class that ran for the drinking fountain while our non- taster professor laughed.

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You saved me the effort of typing this! I feel exactly as you do about coffee.

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Yes, this! Smells great, tastes blech. I don't even like coffee ice cream. Beer also belongs to the category of Beverages I Don't Like But Wish I Did for Social Reasons.

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Agree that freshly made coffee smells great. I can only drink it with enough milk to hide the bitterness and don't like it that much even then. And adding sugar would be enough to make me throw up.

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I've never tried coffee - the smell turns me off, so I've never bothered to taste it.

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You needed an "All of the above" choice for the poll today!

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No, that would have been a mistake. You never do a poll where almost everyone would choose one answer. It's pointless. You need to force choices.

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Yes but this one was really impossible to choose.

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Not for me. I would have chose threatening.

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Exactly what I was about to write.

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WaPo’s annoying and patronizing use of “here’s what you need to know about … whatever”. I’m intelligent and can decide for myself what I need to know, thank you very much.

And before I forget — hey you kids, get off of my lawn.

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Yes. I first saw that annoyance when WaPo tried to tell me what I needed to know about Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski bump trial. I needed to know nothing!

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And NYT's "4 minute read, 5 minute read," etc. Who are they to tell me how long it will take me to read an article? Very annoying. People read at different paces, depending on what else is going on.

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When I saw tfg's mugshot, I immediately was reminded of a portrait of Hitler taken in early 1933. I assume that Donnie's handlers rehearsed his mugshot pose and hand this picture in mind when they did so. Check it out on Getty Images to see what you think.

(top row, third from the left)


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The lighting in some of the pix makes him look as if he's wearing a clown nose. Too bad they didn't do that with DJT.

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Someone needs to show that shot to The Cheeto, while opining that der Fuehrer was more handsome than Il Douche.

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Gene may be a rare example of a Krispy Kreme detractor who isn’t a Dunkin’ (Donuts) partisan. The two chains and their fans have what resembles a sports rivalry.

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I really want a donut without any sugar glaze on it. But who sells that?

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The original Dunkin's Donut was devoid of any topping and.or glaze and had a little bump out that one could hold to - wait for it - dunk in one's coffee. It's the only one I like, but increasingly hard to find.

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Thanks. For odd reasons, I never bought their products. Likely plain inertia.

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You are looking for Ozzie rolls, and you can get them at Patsy’s American in Tyson’s—if you’re local to the DC area.

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Or any of the other Great American Restaurants establishments. They used to come in the complimentary bread basket. Now you have to order them especially. They're like Dutch olliebollen.

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My first donuts as a kid were from DD. I still prefer their product, but it's not a religious thing. I'll eat a KK if it's there.

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Cilantro. I hate it and I hate how it has creeped into the genre of "standard stuff to add to otherwise perfectly good food. I read somewhere that it is a genetic thing that makes some subset of the human race to equate the taste of cilantro with eating a bar of soap.

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Agreed. And pine nuts - once you've gotten hold of a bad batch they all taste terrible from that day forward. Now I have to use walnuts in my pesto.

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While I love pignoli/pine nuts, walnuts are my first choice for pesto!

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ET, the movie. When I finally watched it, with low expectations, it still failed to meet them.

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Defining image? Either:

Trump's determined, proud, strong: resolute.

He's direct and no nonsense to boot.

His mugshot's defining

An image worth signing,

And his fine head of hair still looks cute.


No, Trump's angry, and dangerous to foes;

He's coming to get us, it shows.

With scowling and sulking

And bully-boy bulking:

Glaring tyrant that all should oppose.

The last showbiz performer to define his image in Fulton was Johnny Cash. A coincidence? Or will the presumptive Republican candidate be signing this pic, "Subliminally yours, DT." The killers Jesse James and Clyde Barrow are American folk heroes, and their mugshots are even grimmer. Could these prosecutions be the biggest backfire in US history, asks this informed Irish observer.

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I think you may be thinking of Johnny Cash's famous performances at Folsom Prison in California.

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I think he worked out which angle got the most flash reflection from his "hair."

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The movie Yentle which everyone I know seems to think was a masterpiece. Just a show piece for Streisand. If you had read the book (really a short story) you would know that Singer is turning in his grave over the film. He refused to see it, which certainly must have saved him some stress in his lifetime.

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Even John Gotti smiled in at least one of his mugshots. Orange 1 is not even a good pretend mob boss. Certainly doesn't have the same dignity as some did. Sure he had a couple of rehearsals. The expression is as performative as everything he does. But what really gets me are the smiley faces, and especially Jenna Ellis: "I'm just delighted to be an inmate of the Fulton County Jail."

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Permit me to add to the convention or canon with two more aggressive variations on the classic sosumi: the reverse sosumi and the conditional sosumi. The "reverse" approaches epidemic proportions thanks to social media, in particular, with its self-appointed influencers and arbiters. But elsewhere as well, in this Age of Opinion, where we're regularly (often incessantly) told what is correct and what the next best thing will be. The goal is to instill doubt and fear of missing out. Satisfaction is not good for perceived social standing and most certainly, not good for the economy. Then there is the "conditional" or GEFY sosumi --- the "good (enough) for you" sosumi --- as in considering your age, weight, ancestry, sexual preference and political affiliation --- your golf swing, tennis stroke or skill at the Paso Doble is GEFY. In fact, "it's great!" (considering). Also I believe in more erudite circles called, "damning with faint praise." You know you suck and others know, but somehow think by making your suckiness conditionally acceptable, you'll feel better about it.

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Examples of what ? Search FOMO. As for GEFY, I myself have offered that excuse to more than one other over the years.

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OK. Just not quite focused for me.

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Does curry not make the list because not enough people like it?

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I’m so grateful for this Gene Poll. The exercise itself removed the fear I originally felt when I first saw the mugshot. I’m feeling so much lighter now. Wishing all Americans could take this poll. Make that every single person who saw the mugshot.

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Why are you excluding married people, or double people?

Yes, that phrase is one of my sosumis.

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Oh my god, the dog just farted. I think I may faint.

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Yes, that was missing from the list of mugshot choices.

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Except Trump would never get close enough to a dog to smell it. He might not know much, but he knows that they sense fear.

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In this case, it's really just that as I was sitting here and typing a different comment into the discussion, the dog actually farted and it was like the stinky hand of death had touched me.

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You hit the nail so squarely on the sosumis head that if I have anything to add to the list it now escapes me.

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You'll come up with several.

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I had a similar reaction when Gene hit on "Titanic," an all-time top of the list for me! I'll keep thinking.

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On my all time worst movies list.

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