I knew there was a good reason to keep getting the print Washington Post.

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Secretary that wasn’t invited to the wedding was acting like a six year old who didn’t get invited to someone’s birthday party. (My mom’s rule was you got to invite no more than the number of your age so that limited guests- lots of chances for miffed people). And her response was just as childish and not very funny.

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Office hijinks: The late (and completely insane) Bill Cox, city editor at The Courier-Journal in Louisville in 1983, had a buffalo from the state fair sent up in the freight elevator. He then rode it through the newsroom into the office of the EE - who was somewhat humor impaired - where it promptly deposited a giant road apple on an Oriental rug.

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Re: fatal event. Had everything actually gone to fruition, possibly, even if it was a controller going into cardiac arrest. I had hoped that would be obvious to all; it was to all but one. There would have been many sanity checks and levels of approval before it could have gotten that far, and as author I made sure none of them were actually necessary. I think Gene of all people would understand that not all humor gets taken the way it was meant.

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'...not all humor....'

Man, ain't THAT the truth!

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What to eat? As a very junior foreign service person, I tired of older seniors bragging about "all the stuff they had consumed for their work." My idea was that the locals played A game of "let's see what we can get them to eat." I did turn down some food without their comments or adverse reactions.

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I have found that Mexican food doesn't usually suck but that it often blows.

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Having run through a large number of popular international cuisines, even with tongue in cheek --- which may be your problem; hard to eat anything that way --- I can only assume you must live on roadkill and word salads. Btw --- kudos for continuing the Pool poop mention tradition. Newcomers here might otherwise have mistaken it for Samantha Bee's Substack newsletter. Poop on!

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When you go seven full days without a shower, the water gods get revenge. Do not mess with the water gods.

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Derecho story: When our house was under construction (in the boonies), we rented a small dwelling I called "the hovel." The derecho hit on our 10th wedding anniversary. As noted elsewhere - one flush and you're done. We had just had a port-a-john delivered, and spouse decided to take advantage of it. He drove up toward our house, and he encountered a tree across the road. He walked up the road and encountered three more trees, the last one at the edge of the driveway. He entered the box, and the port-a-john started to tip over. The root ball of the last felled tree had been its support. He jumped out and stuffed a bunch of rocks and deadfall under it. He was unscathed, but I never did find out if he actually used the facilities.

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After the port-a-john started to fall, he probably didn't need to use it any more.

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I feel for you Gene. When we had the direcho back in 2012 I lost power for 3 days. I live in the boonies. No municipal water, I'm on a well. No power means no well pump, i.e. no water. Three days without being able to flush. I think I still have PTSD from that.

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I also live in the boonies. When you have a well, you install a rain catchment barrel so if you have a storm that knocks out power, you have a barrel of water with which to flush. Even better, if you know a storm like a direcho is coming, fill the bathtub. Then you just flush, fill the tank behind the toilet with water from the bathtub or rain chatchment barrel and boom, you're in business. We live in the boonies and have two 55 gallon rain barrels and keep many gallons of water in the storage room. It doesn't need to be purified if you're just using it to flush.

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How do you keep the mosquitos from breeding in the barrel? (I'll probably never resort to this method, because we have a generator, and the well is one of the circuits tied to it.)

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The barrel is closed, gutter goes to the top of the barrel which has a lid with a hole in it that is covered with a very find mesh screen so leaves and debris don't clog up the system. Then near the top of the barrel is an overflow pipe coming out the side that goes off the patio underground into a french drain system. We use it to water our greenhouses and gardens and haven't had any issues with mosquitos. Our lot is sloped so we just have a hose bib in the bottom of the barrel to attach a hose to and gravity does the work. If our lot wasn't so sloped (with retaining walls) we'd probably elevate the barrels a bit higher. Right now they're about 8" off the ground but you can put them higher to get better pressure out of the hose bib.

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I hadn't thought of the rain barrel idea, but I do now fill the bathtub any time there is the slightest hint of a storm. I also bought a generator and had a transfer panel installed. Haven't used them even once, but the are comforrting to have.

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I don’t live in the boonies, but I do live in the sticks and am also on a well. I tell everybody in the house when the power goes out that each toilet has exactly one flush in it - use them wisely.

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I was dog sitting my cousins farmhouse, big damn storm cut the electric. No well water, but when I went to the cellar for some cold beer, 1.5 feet of water. Sump pump, of course. Had to drag buckets up the steps for. the toilet, but the dogs had a ball in the basement.

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Can someone please tell me how to stop replies to my comments from showing up in my email? If I go to substack there is a notification of how many messages I have, which are actually replies to my comments. So I know as soon as I go to the substack website. I don't need this in my email. I will look for the right setting but I thought someone might have found out the hard way how to do this. Email notification should not be the default, I think you should have to opt in, not out. Thank you!

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Mexican food is not what it used to be. Not for me. I started eating it in Fresno and when 13 moved to Texas and it was never a problem to eat. Even in Laredo, heat was an option. Add all that you want at the table. But in Maryland even the salad has been nearly too hot to eat. I have to ask. And they say: " No. Not very hot at all. ". All liars? Doubtful. Burned out? I think not. My fix? I cook it at home. I had classes in Laredo. I make good Pico de galo.

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Dave Barry is a national treasure

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You should just get some Depends like everyone else your age, Grandpa!

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The Facebook file announcing the Invite results, once, I found, was editable. I inserted sonething like that my entry was the funniest, but I didn’t need the gratification of being recognized this week. Then I told her. She seemed upset…

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