I had to go with mustard unless I have control over the sauerkraut drainage. Way too many times have I been served a soggy dog with kraut. That won’t happen with mustard.

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Good point. I agree.

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Right. We were limited to ONE condiment (even though peppersandonions apparently qualify as a unit). I might have chosen mustard and kraut, or mustard and relish, given the option.

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When I buy sauerkraut (refrigerated Silver Floss in the plastic bag), I drain it in a colander-size strainer before transferring it to a jar, but then still dish it out with a slotted spoon. It's not a perfect solution, but it makes for much less soggy Reubens.

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But what if someone doesn't shake/mix it and your dog becomes sodden with MUSTARD WATER?

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The (excellent!) Topper-squirrel poem seems like it should perhaps be sung to the tune of the "Beverly Hillbillies" theme song.

Also: it reminds of a similar scene I witnessed of my cat stalking a squirrel from just a few feet away and the critter in question suddenly turned and faced her down, and she just pretended she'd been doing something else entirely. If she'd known how she would have whistled casually.

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We used to have an outdoor cat. She was a neighborhood stray who fiercely did not get along with our indoor cats, so outdoors she went. We had her spayed and provided food, water, and shelter on the front porch. I’d often see her in the backyard, stalking a squirrel, then pouncing - and landing on all four paws in front of the squirrel, as if ready to play. The squirrels would invariably vanish as fast as the laws of physics allowed, if not faster. I’m sure it’d have ended differently if we’d let her go hungry.

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Barry Polisar's full story about his uncle's house is wonderful.

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The hot dog poll was most certainly concocted by a "northern" person. Five choices, none of them chili! Beginning not far below the Mason-Dixon line, a standard hot dog is made with chili, mustard and onions. If you don't want the onions, you have to say so. The only more exotic version adds slaw. Sauerkraut is not an option. That's for Reuben sandwiches. If a hot dog is ordered without chili, it's obviously for a small child, and the server will double-check that you actually don't want chili.

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In Detroit that is called a Coney Dog, and it's probably the most popular way to serve one.

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Wow. Kathy Change.

I was there that day. In a building next to the library. We, on the fourth floor, heard the screams of the onlookers. I will never forget those screams.

I wasn't expecting to remember this today.

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I know I am a couple dats late for anyone to notice this ... I thin this is the 1st time that Dale of Green Gables has not posted any comment. How refreshing!

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Gulden’s brown mustard on the dogs, ketchup on the baked beans, butter on the canned brown bread and I’m back in Massachusetts on a Saturday evening in the 1960s.

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Kraut is a pretty close second choice for me, especially if it's homemade. I usually put on both mustard and kraut, but if I can only pick one it's mustard.

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I don't eat hot dogs.

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On Hot Dogs, there is a delicious authentic tasting vegan brand, and a good joke I heard on July 4 was that if you entered a Hot Dog eating contest, you’d likely puke. Also, if you learned what went into Hot Dogs, you would also likely puke.

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For decades, family members and I have been attending the annual Waterford (VA) Fair in early October. They have art, artists, crafts, artisan demonstrations, and historic home tours. Fall has not fallen unless and until I have trudged the length and depth of all its offerings. (It's also a fundraising hotbed for Scouts and other Loudon Co. civic groups.) Weak with hunger and thirst, I then stand in line for my reward, a lamb sausage in a roll with a Greek yoghurt sauce, and an Old Dominion Root Beer float. Paradise enow, till next year!

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Lawrence O'Donnell's scathing takedown on MSNBC last night of the NY Times for "sanewashing" Trump was a masterpiece. https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/lawrence-the-media-is-trying-and-failing-to-cure-themselves-of-sane-washing-trump-218950213932

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John Oliver played the clip of Trump's nonsensical answer in its entirety on Last Week Tonight. Anyone who watches that clip and still supports Trump is either a fascist or a DAMF (Dumb-Ass Mother....)

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One of your best Ridicule the Orange Menace columns so far. I am so frustrated about the media’s delicate handling of him. That’s why I turn to alternative media like Mother Jones and some of the Substack commentators who tell it like it is.

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Mustard and sauerkraut and onions, à la Gray's Papaya.

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Hot dogs require the triumvirate of mustard, onions, and relish.

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The only correct answer is mustard (I lived in Chicago for four years).

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