He’s not even trying to hide it anymore: He is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Donald Trump.
Above is a photo from today’s press conference on the airline tragedy. What should have been a solemn affair was turned into a cornucopia of racist political blame-flinging and grandstanding and ass-kissing. But that’s not my principal point. Here’s my principal point:
Check out JD Vance, on the far right.
Now try not to notice it. Can’t do it, can you? Neither could I.
There is no photographic evidence of Vance ever before favoring the Donald Dangle. I’ve researched it exhaustively. (It wasn’t an easy task because when you Google “JD Vance” and “tie,” you get hundreds of articles about how he broke a voting tie in the Senate. But I persevered. For you.)
Then, when Trump finally invited his Vice President to speak at this tragic occasion, this is what the necktie-toady said:
“Thank you Mr. President for your leadership. You have many hundreds of people suing the government because they would like to be air traffic controllers but were turned away by the color of their skin. That policy ends under Donald Trump’s leadership because safety is the first priority.”
That’s it for today.
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And finally, today’s hard-hitting Gene Pool Gene Poll.
The assumption that straight white Christian men are naturally superior in everything is barf-inducing
As a 30 year Regional Airline pilot (retired) I can say without any hesitation that women and people of color on average are the most skilled people in the cockpit. Marginal white guys slip through, which makes a terrible headache for Captains who are responsible to babysit them. The minorities have to struggle against discrimination and only make it by being the best. The female pilot accident record can be used to prove it.