As it turns out:

ON THIS DAY (October 1): In 1941, the great Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine sent out its first issue.

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College taught me to use big words when trying to be precise. Which reduces clarity. Which hinders preciseness. I should probably ask for a refund.

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When I watch that debate tonight I’m going to see Jim Gaffigan debating Bowen Yang

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To whomever wrote "I’m the only person with my full name in the country who is NOT a registered sex offender," having worked a long time around DHS (US VISIT, CBP, ICE), I bid you great luck in getting back INTO the country.

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just read the thumb twiddle thing. I can do it in either direction quite easily. I'm not even sure which is my usual way since I don't usually do it but I imagine some of my dexterity is due to many years of piano playing.

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So can I. Have done since I was a kid. Don't do it so much anymore, now that I have a cell phone for time-wasting amusement.

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Nimble schmimble. There’s a chunk of the brain which takes our thoughts, find appropriate words or phrases to convey them, slaps them together in a string and shoves them out our word holes. Mostly automatically. If he’s got demeaning thoughts about her floating in that vacuity, while trying to say she made a statement, the little neurons related to the phrase “put out” are going to light up not once but twice and be far more likely to get emitted by his addled processes.

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I suggest the real DEI candidate is Grie-Vance. And yes, Yale Law does have such a program to give the confused a leg up, especially when supported by what must have been a generous contribution from a leading tech-bro. I expect we won't hear about stolen velour in the debate tonight.

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Stolen velour? JD is experienced at telling stories cut out of whole cloth.

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A cool thing about #5 is that as a Yale Law grad he'd probably get the "3/5 of other people's vote" reference but not let on that he did, sort of like a reverse Vicks Formula 44 ad: "I'm a Yale Law School grad but I don't play one on TV."

Speaking of Yale Law, I know it needs to stay neutral, but wouldn't it be wonderful if, say, the Ivy League law schools issued a joint statement calling out certain politicians for not upholding the values they were taught.

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sadly, that IS the values those ivy leagues teach.

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Tangential to "Coolest Question" #5: Vance is on record saying "And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people [without children] who don’t really have a direct stake in it?" Someone at tonight's debate should point out that George Washington never sired children either. (Smallpox may have rendered him sterile.) "The Father of Our Country" was solely a metaphorical (and step-) father. Did he thus have no direct stake too?

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On 2. ... I miss a leading "What" but I suspect this is the way it is said now. And you can ask "What #2?" Questions for Vance. I would ask: "How do you expect to make a living after this? Or will you just retire on your money that you have now? Or the old standard: "Are you for real?"

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“Why do you seem to intentionally try to look like that mugshot of John Wayne Gacey?” (look it up)

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Gert Frobe, who played Goldfinger, also had a bit appearance in The Longest Day as a dumb German private.


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A bit of a mistake - I was thinking Trump.

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S’ok. I looked up Gacy. Not only did I spell his name wrong, but in the mugshots I’m seeing he does look kinda like Vance but not overwhelmingly like he does in the one that was circulating. I may have unwittingly helped promote misinformation and a doctored photo.

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And this not an uncommon conversation. Just fun.

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But how will I ever live it DOWN!?

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'I miss a leading 'What' but I suspect this is the way it is said now. " I remember hearing -- and saying -- "The hell????" like 25 years ago.

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“put out” MAY have been Freudian, but as I’ve argued elsewhere, there’s no way he has the wit to produce it as an intentional sleight, even though the childishness would be on par.

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Marissa Lang's story in the Post was wonderful. I loved that the photographer was the same one who took this photo, which later won a White House Press award and was displayed at the Library of Congress. The photo was designed to show how ordinary Vietnam War protests had become. I was still in High School on the day this was taken--well, technically NOT in High School that day--so making the front page of the Washington Post on a day I should have been in school made it extra ironic. https://barrylou.com/my-back-pages-from-protest-to-music/

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Wait. I don't understand how someone could NOT twiddle their thumbs in both directions. It's the same movement? I feel like I need to see a video of this or something.

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Well I don't understand how someone could twiddle in different directions, so yes video please.

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I am just thrilled that you sought to verify each of these claims to uniqueness.

Once a true journalist, always a true journalist.

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Think Sigmund (née Sigismund) would have found a whole lingerie department with Demento --- slips being the least of his problems.

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May I suggest the custom of tatbir or self-flagellation when you next find your wordsmithing forge burning low. Doesn't help focus the mind as supposedly the deep-freeze technique does, but it pisses you off to the point where all your collected gripes, grievances and perceived wrongs become manifest. Certainly, I would assume, more than enough fodder for a Tues. Pool.

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>>>The Web is full of such stories, including this one from Men’s Health Magazine, which google >>>retrieves under the title How to Remove a Tick From Your Balls

Damn, I love this chat.....

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