Ted Cruz before the beard looked like a flaming asshole.

Ted Cruz after the beard looked like the flames had scorched the hair around the asshole.

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He will always look like Eddie from the Munsters, or Grandpa now he's grey, but no amount of camouflage will change the fact that his wife should shave his butt and make him walk backwards.

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Reminds me of that Jackie Mason joke where he said he was such an ugly baby his mother would diaper his face.

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Hahaha 😂 I’d forgotten that very funny line!

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Ted had this performative douchiness that barely got him elected, but then it was just because he was a douche. Now he has defined the art form, and it became the one in demand.

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Ted’s presidential campaign was amazing to me. That he thought we should want him, was to add the egoism frosting to the douchiness cake. I don’t mean to keep using that word, but I left it out and it didn’t look right. That folks such as him, Rand Paul, Stefanik, McEnany are highly intelligent doesn’t surprise me anymore. He is not as performative, it’s genuinely him.

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But surely the douchiness cake, to use your icky metaphor, contains large measures of egoism, not just the frosting but the cake itself is mostly ego-douche. Otherwise he'd just be a repulsive nerd. With a tiny bit of nerd-charm amid the awfulness, as when he put Dr. Seuss to filibuster use.

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“…its vertical axis was congruent with the slope of the hill…”

I get what you were trying to say though I would have phrased it a little differently. Perhaps “its long axis or “its axis from its solid base to its opening.” I also get the sense of “congruent” meaning “the same when superimposed” although “parallel” describes it in a way that correlates to “perpendicular” later in the paragraph.

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This group of nerds is endearing

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Certainly rivaling a Christmas party at the Bureau of Standards.

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Technically now NIST, isn't it?

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Different name. Same people. Same standards.

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I suggest "Axis of rotational symmetry". I concur with your congruency analysis.

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And determining the net force on a water cooler bottle on a hill would require the forces acting on it to be resolved into perpendicular components so that they can be easily added to the other forces acting upon the bottle. 😏

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Distinguished ? Ted Cruz ? You facial hair guys some kinda cult, innit ? Beard or no, the (Al Franken ?) aphorism about him still holds: "The reason people take an instant dislike to Ted Cruz is it saves time."

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I can tell Gene has prosopagnosia because he thinks Ted Cruz looks distinguished with a beard, rather than like a less attractive relative of Grandpa Munster.

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My father was probably the most intelligent human I have ever met. However, he maintained that anyone could cook anything by following the recipe (a theory he seldom tested). Evidently when he read the spaghetti instructions they did not include "drain water before serving."

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Bless your father or his memory. He probably was smart enough not to try this blueberry lemon coriander cake that I tried. I like the artist. “ Try, fail, try again, fail better.”

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Book learning versus experience.

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Ha! Great example.

Seriously, though?

Anyway: this is why on boxes of teabags it is often specified that one should place the teabag into a cup and then (and only then!) pour boiling water over it.

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Because that's the proper way to make tea. Boiling water, not vaguely warm water.

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Right--and it's especially important to put the tea bag in a receptacle before pouring, not just leaving it on the counter, say, and pouring boiling water over it. It's that part that they feel should be emphasized.

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Nowadays. I don't do it that way. A couple of years ago, I found that my Lipton teabags were partially dissolving, and I was left at the end with a mouthful of soppy tea leaves. After consulting the live chat person on their website, I learned that Lipton had changed the material they used to make their teabags to one that was more "earth-friendly." The chat-person suggested I pour the boiling water into my cup first, then add the tea bag -- and it's worked perfectly ever since.

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Harry probably solved the problem faster than Donald Trump would have.

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Actually Ted Cruz isn’t really an example of a “dumb” person, he has a law degree from Harvard. He is an example of a crazy person.

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He's an example of a smart person doing only dumb things every single day.

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Follow up to Ted Cruz: dumb individuals doing dumb things. Don Jr and Eric deciding to grow beards and it makes them look as though they just woke up in a gutter. I suspect they thought, Dad doesn't have one so we gotta look better than that anyhow, but it turned out not. And they still haven't figured that out apparently.

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I am surprised by the Gene Pool results. I thought the overall incidence of Covid was much higher than that. I haven't had it, but most people I know (including my beloved spouse - twice) have.

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Am always interested in whether afflicted were vaxxed thoroughly. Wouldn't be surprised that Poolers are smart enough to be.

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Vaxxed doesn't necessarily mean you won't get Covid, just that you'll likely have a milder case. Both beloved spouse & I are vaxxed to the max, but he's had it twice and I've avoided it. He travels more than I do (brought it home from a trip both times).

In other news, last time he took Paxlovid, but this time he didn't because "it's no longer on the formulary" and would have cost $547 -- with insurance. Without -- $1400.

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No vaccines are 100% effective. Just smart preventatives.

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I was so careful, and so completely vaxed. But as a consultant had to work in a conference room where semi-symptomatic auditors gave it to me.

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I am really not sure. I am retired, had traveled to Australia and back (and in mobs of people from everywhere in numerous international airports) just before the Wuhan news broke and was unwell for weeks after--missed both Thanksgiving & Christmas with family. Have always been vaxxed for everything, and eagerly went for all the recommended shots for Covid, annual flu, pneumonia, RSV, as soon as offered. My husband (also thoroughly vaxxed) recently passed in a nursing home hospice (from UTI complications). He had been routinely tested for Covid and found positive (and quarantined in the facility) just a few weeks before he died. I tested negative. Amid all the stresses of the Pan-Embuggerance and the political horrors, it's hard to sort out the viral from the existential malaise -- lack of energy, inability to focus, etc. Drink tea and carry on!

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I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully this gang of idiots can provide some entertainment for you.

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Horrible picture caption in today's WaPo. Under the picture of the inventor of Pop-Tarts, it says "Bill Post spearheaded the creation of Kellogg's Pop-Tarts in 2003". My first read was that Pop-Tarts were invented in 2003 before my brain caught up with my eyes.

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I suggest Harry was pretty damn smart. Since you obviously weren't providing enough prey drive (the instinct to pursue and capture prey) stimulation, he had to come up with the reward (dopamine) producing action on his own. Think of it as mental mastrubation. Forget Newton. It's Canine Law No. 2.

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Strong possibility the prof was doing it on purpose.

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On account of how seductive it is?

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That's onacowna

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Right you are! Of course.

Onnaconna (or variant thereof).

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lol, nah, it is a kink, albeit a super boring one. He also may just be super forgetful, but to do it consistently suggests intent.

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Yeah, those classrooms could be sweltering.

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Haven't we already had this dumb/smart question before? It seems familiar to me, including the Harry the Dog and his congruent vertical axis example. Was it specifically smart/dumb animal anecdotes? Am I having some sort of stroke?

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Oh, you've never heard the dumb/smart question before.

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I'm no doctor, so can't answer the last, but to the former, yes. We've heard the Harry anecdote in the context of animal stories

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I am always willing to plagiarize myself.

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If it please the court, the question of whether self-plagiarism is a victimless crime arises. Do those of us who have paid for the privilege of taking potshots at one of the top 237 wordsmiths of the 21st c. have the right to expect glittering new verbiage at all times ? Or a disclaimer, at a minimum ? Something like: "Gotta run. Rachel's catalytic converter just fell off on the Beltway. So, here's Harry ! Again." Something like that.

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So you wouldn't mind if someone told you to go plagiarize yourself?

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