True story: My anagramming (with Scrabble tiles; this was 1990) of "The Washington Post" to "Wet Hogs in Hot Pants" was what prompted Gene Weingarten to fall madly in love with me. Too bad the writer of "Spaghetti Not Shown" missed out!

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I don't deny any of this.

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Pat, I believe that was actually a promotion featuring the offensive line of the then (whispered) Redskins. The hot pants were very large. Maybe not.

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It is meant to be a fart (check out the laughter, Rachel). But the fart is created by mechanical, not organic, means. Sound effects have come a long way since then.

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I couldn't answer the second poll. I think they're both right. It was a car horn sound effect to cover up the fart, which would likely STILL be covered up on any network broadcast show.

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Kristi Noem is a f**ktard. This "pioneer woman" bullshit is all performative as Gene suggests. First of all, to trumpet that you murdered a 14-month-old dog for being an adolescent is beyond the pale. Perhaps even more telling about who she is, is that 14 months is no age at all for field dogs who generally don't round into shape until about 3-5 years. And you don't put an untrained would-be bird dog in with trained ones and hope for the best. Just isn't done --- at least by those who know what they're doing. Can just imagine what a combination of clueless Orange 1 and Killer Gnome would mean for domestic tranquility and world peace.

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Canto XXI of Dante's Inferno (early 14th cent) includes a fart joke.

Aristophanes's The Clouds too (5th century BC), but it's a real comedy (as opposed to divine).

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Trump's best, perhaps only good line, presumably written for him by someone else, in response to the criticism that he was not funny because incapable of making fun of himself: "Self-deprecating humor? I have the best self-deprecating humor!"

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I was going to mention Brutalist architecture, but didn't have much funny to say about it. Boston's City Hall ranks up there as one of the most hideous buildings in history. The brick ocean surrounding it traps in summer heat and makes it almost useless as a functional public space.

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Always thought of Brutalist architecture as an affectation. Unlike say the Arts and Crafts movement as a natural reaction to industrialization and the excessive ornamentation of the Victorian Period --- and with its emphasis on the beautiful, simple of design, but useful--- Brutalism struck me as a forced reaction. Something done, just to be different. It was supposed to represent the concept of unfinished simplicity and, in human terms, equality. It came to represent (to its critics, of which I am obviously one) instead, cold, unfeeling oppression, of the kind most often seen in buildings in the then Soviet Union. It was as if Modernism, which preceded it, wasn't simple and functional enough. Architecture for the sake of architecture, IMO.

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As a life-long Masshole, I agree with this. When all the cities are laid waste from rising seas and nuclear war, the Boston City Hall will be a monolith at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

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May 1·edited May 1

I have always liked the two brutalist examples on the campus of Milton Academy in Milton, Mass. I think that if sited and scaled properly, it works. Boston City hall is neither of those, although I do like the interior spaces.


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Hmm. "Itinerant clock repair guy ?" Have this image of you with a pushcart walking through the Village shouting: "Bring out your clocks !"

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I can hear Zippy the Pinhead shouting "Itinerant clock repair guy! Itinerant clock repair guy! Itinerant clock repair guy!"

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You can hear the noise of the car going by outside. Any other explanation for that noise before and after the horn?

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Now I see why some people are horrified by clowns.

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I think that Lincoln embroidery might be mass-produced. I swear I just saw it yesterday at a second-hand store in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

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I believe the "Duluth" clock is, in fact, the famous monkey bread edible timepiece. Or not.

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Trump thinking he has a sense of humor is another one of his narcissistic delusions. Understandable, when you surround yourself with people who in unison exclaim on cue: "That's a good one, boss!" This is the expected, nay, required, response to all manner of mutterings from the Orange 1 from "Hamberder good. Biden bad," to "When does Melania's kid graduate ?"

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Political humor goes almost as far back as the first joke. And, research by some people who have too much time on their hands, points to its value in educating, at the same time as amusing, those who may not be up on the latest current events. Mark Twain was a master of it, as might be expected: "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself"

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." --- Plato. What a wag that Plato, eh wot ?

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Apr 30·edited Apr 30

The Duluth clock appears to resemble head cheese. Need I email a picture?? Yikes. Or strawberry-corn Jello.

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Have to add even more to the fart-orama going on here: Fired for farting


The post even inspired a compilation of his expulsions arranged in order of length, which one Redditor called "the Sistine Chapel of fart videos."

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If his farts were arranged into a musical composition, would the composer be known as the Mingus of Methane?

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I hope that he had more than one change of underwear at work.

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