When I was 14, I passed out in my chair one morning after recess. Spend a bunch of hours doing tests in the hospital by exceedingly frantic doctors until I happened to mention that a bully had punched me in the stomach twenty minutes before the event. They were like, "Oh, vasovagal reflex, nothing to worry about," and sent me home. Why n…
When I was 14, I passed out in my chair one morning after recess. Spend a bunch of hours doing tests in the hospital by exceedingly frantic doctors until I happened to mention that a bully had punched me in the stomach twenty minutes before the event. They were like, "Oh, vasovagal reflex, nothing to worry about," and sent me home. Why no one thought to ask me if anything strange had happened earlier is beyond me.
I passed out one time while giving blood, and woke up surrounded by about a half-dozen nurses (probably all of those who were there). They gave me some juice, and I felt fine. As they were trying to diagnose what might have caused an otherwise healthy college student to pass out, I happened to mention that I had been playing volleyball for about two hours right before I showed up. They didn't call me a doofus, but I felt like one.
When I was 14, I passed out in my chair one morning after recess. Spend a bunch of hours doing tests in the hospital by exceedingly frantic doctors until I happened to mention that a bully had punched me in the stomach twenty minutes before the event. They were like, "Oh, vasovagal reflex, nothing to worry about," and sent me home. Why no one thought to ask me if anything strange had happened earlier is beyond me.
I passed out one time while giving blood, and woke up surrounded by about a half-dozen nurses (probably all of those who were there). They gave me some juice, and I felt fine. As they were trying to diagnose what might have caused an otherwise healthy college student to pass out, I happened to mention that I had been playing volleyball for about two hours right before I showed up. They didn't call me a doofus, but I felt like one.