Offhand can't remember which author it is that often ends chapters with things along the line of if only she'd known what was going to happen or a big surprise was waiting type sentence. Might be Grafton- I know I've complained about it in my Goodreads reviews. Otherwise the writing is good enough to overlook that mistake.

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From the intro, I always thought that the D in DMV was for the District

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Gene giving me permission to shoot him in the head is not unlike my giving my wife permission to shoot me if my pants ever fall down in public.

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Because I am a "word person" and got a B in calculus only because of a curve to rival a highway cloverleaf (and because it was calculus for word people), I identified this week's Invitational as Week 3 instead of Week 4. Gene rescued the one at the top of the page, but, as of this writing, not the one directly above the contest. I will practice counting all the way up to 5 for next week's contest.

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I think you may have stumbled onto something with your Mencken analysis. Maybe God is a woman, who first created woman in her own image. Then, she created man, placing his gonads on the outside between his legs out of spite. She may also have planted the seed in his brain to invent sports, and then had a good chuckle.

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Post-shame era would have started with Gen X, so all of you please post your shame here.

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All right, so I've just spent 15 minutes reading and re-reading Gene answering questions. Is that it? Is this the chat? Is there no more to it than reading Gene answering questions at a particular time of the day? And if so then why a particular time of the day? I can read Gene answering questions any time, can't I? Or do the answers disappear at 2pm?

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Yes the president of that college is still president despite the overwhelming faculty vote for him to resign, but then Elon Musk is still CEO of Twitter, last I checked.

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