SWM seeks a female to donate (or sell) me some of her eggs. My plan is to fertilize them at a clinic to create 5 embryos. Then I’ll move to Alabama, where I’ll suddenly have 5 dependents to write off on my state and federal taxes for the rest of my life. Is this brilliant, or what?
DUDE! You'd have to move to ALABAMA and live there for the rest of your LIFE. It isn't worth it....
I watched the Shane Gillis monologue, and like you, Gene, I thought it was rather sweet. I have a sister with intellectual disabilities, although she doesn’t have chromosomal problems. She says some very funny things, mostly because she doesn’t have a filter. One year, the rabbi’s Yom Kippur sermon included the term “verdant.” She hissed in a stage whisper, “He said virgin!” That is funny to me, but people who don’t know anyone with intellectual disabilities might not think so. My granddaughter, who also has I.D. issues, recently announced to a planeload of people, “My dad farts a lot!” Embarrassing, but funny.
It’s the old story that I can tell Jewish jokes, but non-Jews had better not. Shane Gillis, as the uncle of a Down syndrome child that he obviously adores, can tell these stories, but those who do not have I.D. people in the family should not do so. Besides, they often don’t understand that I.D. folks are first and foremost people because they haven’t had a close enough relationship with anyone with I.D. It’s not punching down when he’s not punching.
It’s tough for our family to have two people with major special needs. It’s very expensive to give them what they need. And I’d rather have a healthy sister and healthy grandchild. But I don’t. I do, however, love them a lot and know it’s ok to laugh at their foibles when they’re funny.
I couldn't answer the third poll. I haven't seen any evidence that Republicans are rushing to disavow, but haven't seen any evidence of prudently or maturely. If the choice was something like, "waiting for whatever Trump says." I would have chosen that one.
The problem with the cloud is that it’s only private until you get hacked. Or an employee at the company providing your cloud gets hacked. Or the employees at the company decide to have a look for themselves. Or the company itself does that. Or you discover you didn’t have all your privacy settings correct. Or the company reset your privacy settings. Or the company went under and all their assets got bought up by some unknown bidder who will do who knows what. Or…
When the doctor weighs me, I drop my purse, shoes, sweat shirt, even jewelry before I get on the scale. I will not be taking the blame for the weight of my clothing. I'd do it naked if they didn't have me standing in a hallway.
Nurses in my ex-doctor's office used to say the number on the scale out loud after I stepped off. I told them to stop it. I could only imagine that either they thought I hadn't seen it, OR they wished to shame me to pieces. Which one do you think?
Every time I go to the doctor, they tell me my BMI and tell me I have to lose weight. I ask "How?" and they say "Eat healthier." I say "If I knew how to eat healthier, I'd already be doing it. Can you prescribe me a diet?" They non-committal - they don't want to advise one diet over another in case you sue them.
One doctor said "Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet." I said "You see on my chart that I am allergic to anything with citric acid in it - what fruit does that leave me? I can't eat tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, melons, can only eat a few grapes, berries, and one apple before I erupt in cold sores. That leaves green leafy vegetables, peppers, bananas, and a handful of other vegetables. If food is going to be the same salad everyday, what hope do I have of sticking to it? How can I assure I get all the nutrients I need when I can only eat the same salad every day for every meal?" They just shrug and abandon me once again.
If they can't design me a diet, what hope do I have of lucking into one? They sent me to nutrition class and I kept raising my hand until the nutritionist finally said "Ask your doctor - we don't have time to give you alternative for every food you're allergic to." Ask your doctor? Sure. He'll send me back to you.
"Jori's doctors advised a three-month break from food altogether, hoping to stem the barrage of eosinophils in her body. A food hiatus could give her body a chance to heal and grow.
For nutrition, she was started on an amino-acid formula, a pure form of liquid protein that's free of allergens."
I don't know your age of course, but maybe they're still worth talking to.
What Is TIP?
The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) is the first remission-inducing treatment for food anaphylaxis. The goal of TIP is to allow patients to achieve food freedom– the ability to eat whatever, whenever, without the fear of reaction.
Who Qualifies for TIP?
The Tolerance Induction Program is offered to all food allergy patients between the age of 18 months – 25 years old*, regardless of the severity or number of a patient’s allergens. TIP can also treat those with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, and asthma.
If you’ve never heard of a fecal microbiota transplant before, the concept might seem a bit startling at first.
But transferring healthy gut bacteria from one person to another is nothing new. It’s been the standard treatment for recurrent Clostridioides difficile (C. Diff) infections for years, and it is currently being studied in connection with Parkinson’s disease, autism, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease.
So, why might a cancer patient need a fecal microbiota transplant? And what happens during a fecal transplant? For answers to these questions and more, we went to Yinghong “Mimi” Wang, M.D., Ph.D., a gastroenterology specialist and researcher who has been studying this topic for six years.
What is a fecal microbiota transplant?
The easiest way to describe it is giving a healthy person’s stool to a sick person to try to correct their imbalanced gut microbiome.
Why are fecal microbiota transplants necessary?
Several medical conditions have been shown to have a clear correlation to dysbiosis — an imbalance in the bacteria that normally populate the gut. These include inflammatory bowel conditions and C. difficile infections. But they’re not just limited to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
By correcting these imbalances with an infusion of healthy gut bacteria from a donor, we are often able to reverse these conditions — and even positively affect some of our patients’ other underlying issues, such as autism, Parkinson’s disease, insulin resistance and obesity.
Once transplanted, the new bacteria proliferate and repopulate the GI tract. Eventually, they take over the entire colon.
More people visit ClinicalConnection.com than any other non-government website for clinical trials in the US!
Connecting over 850,000 members with clinical research trials! Join now to be notified when new clinical trials are available!"
I know the Mayo Clinic's expensive, but they diagnosed my cousin when his doctors were baffled, and with the right medications, he got better (he had suddenly gone from being able-bodied to bed-ridden, unable to use his arms and legs).
(3) Redditt has a group of adults with food allergies:
The author of the anti-technology rant above, I am indeed, as charged, an embittered curmudgeon and Luddite. I'm not your kind of guy, though, but rather your kind of broad. Or would that be your kind of doll? Anyway, not a guy, is my point.
For the record, I am a tech guy, and I find the way that other tech folk expect everybody to want to live and breathe this stuff the way they do to be rude and absurd.
Having been involved with new or developing tech in the entertainment biz and its associated geniuses during my checkered career, I always used the guiding aphorism, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should," usually to the great annoyance and mental harrumphing of these geniuses. The issue was thus not so much about me managing geniuses, as it was them figuring out how to manage me and my expectations. I apply the same touchstone to personal tech. Does it make life better/more enjoyable or does it just add something that makes it more complicated or annoying. Where's the irresistibility ? Depends on the individual.
A lot of my home projects involving tech have three stages: 1) Prove it can be done 2) Prove it should be done (sometimes you don’t know until you try) and 3) Can I make it so it’s not a PITA to do?
I agree about the annoying "evangelical fervor" of technology proponents. I have a flip phone, and NO, I am not interested in getting a smart phone. And I too get irritated when people shove their phone in my face to show me endless, boring pictures and videos, especially if they just came out of the bathroom with it. (EWW!) The worst are the ones who take pictures and immediately want to show them me, while I try to explain that what they just photographed is RIGHT THERE IN REAL LIFE right in front of them.
My son, who is much more virtuous than me, volunteers for this organization. He gets up at pre-dawn hours to recover and count the dead birds that hit buildings before the morning cleaning crew shows up and sweeps them away.
The data is used to lobby local governments to create building codes that will slash bird deaths.
I notoriously forget what’s in books I’ve read after a year or two, but Robert Reich has a great anecdote in his book “Locked in the Cabinet” that sticks with me. He is locked out of his house, and being petite thought he could get through the doggy door. Spoiler alert: he couldn’t. Don’t know how the rest of book holds up, but his description of his panicked thoughts was funny.
Watched SNL (also on Sunday, but not because of not staying up late as NBC shows it live on the West Coast at 8:30 p.m.—I’m old, but not THAT old!). Mostly thought the monologue was boring and tedious. Which was unfortunate, because otherwise I thought the episode was the best one this year. Almost all of the sketches hit the mark.
This is interesting. I am 180 degrees different. I liked the monologue and disliked every single sketch. I thought it was one of their weakest shows in recent member.
I am a smart guy with a PhD and sundry other evidence that I am a tad above average on smartitude. I pronounce nuclear (new-klee-er) correctly, although one could argue it should be new-klee-arr, like a pirate. I have a colleague who pronounces it new-kew-ler. He is approximately 10 times smarter than me. I have given up entirely on the idea that mispronouncing nuclear is a sign of mental deficiency.
But I have no patience for that criminal mispronunciation of mascarpone. Also, demur and demure are not the same word, dammit.
When I took a different route from what my first GPS was recommending, she (it?) would sigh in disgust and say “recalculating” in a supercilious tone. She (it?) must have been an old-style Republican.
I was very honest I wouldn't drive, as I don't do well with alcohol. I only have one drink, ever. For that reason. If I had three in an hour I'd be on the floor. Some people are WAY more tolerant and could do it, not me. So I plead honesty.
SWM seeks a female to donate (or sell) me some of her eggs. My plan is to fertilize them at a clinic to create 5 embryos. Then I’ll move to Alabama, where I’ll suddenly have 5 dependents to write off on my state and federal taxes for the rest of my life. Is this brilliant, or what?
DUDE! You'd have to move to ALABAMA and live there for the rest of your LIFE. It isn't worth it....
You’d have to pay child support for 5 embryos — cryogenic freezing is probably a fortune.
Yeah, but you could use the HOV lanes for free.
You'd have to carry them around with you. Weird.
It's Alabama. Weird comes with the territory.
I watched the Shane Gillis monologue, and like you, Gene, I thought it was rather sweet. I have a sister with intellectual disabilities, although she doesn’t have chromosomal problems. She says some very funny things, mostly because she doesn’t have a filter. One year, the rabbi’s Yom Kippur sermon included the term “verdant.” She hissed in a stage whisper, “He said virgin!” That is funny to me, but people who don’t know anyone with intellectual disabilities might not think so. My granddaughter, who also has I.D. issues, recently announced to a planeload of people, “My dad farts a lot!” Embarrassing, but funny.
It’s the old story that I can tell Jewish jokes, but non-Jews had better not. Shane Gillis, as the uncle of a Down syndrome child that he obviously adores, can tell these stories, but those who do not have I.D. people in the family should not do so. Besides, they often don’t understand that I.D. folks are first and foremost people because they haven’t had a close enough relationship with anyone with I.D. It’s not punching down when he’s not punching.
It’s tough for our family to have two people with major special needs. It’s very expensive to give them what they need. And I’d rather have a healthy sister and healthy grandchild. But I don’t. I do, however, love them a lot and know it’s ok to laugh at their foibles when they’re funny.
I couldn't answer the third poll. I haven't seen any evidence that Republicans are rushing to disavow, but haven't seen any evidence of prudently or maturely. If the choice was something like, "waiting for whatever Trump says." I would have chosen that one.
The problem with the cloud is that it’s only private until you get hacked. Or an employee at the company providing your cloud gets hacked. Or the employees at the company decide to have a look for themselves. Or the company itself does that. Or you discover you didn’t have all your privacy settings correct. Or the company reset your privacy settings. Or the company went under and all their assets got bought up by some unknown bidder who will do who knows what. Or…
RE: Mascarpone. Do ya drink 'expresso' with that?
I'd put an asterix next to that.
Only when I'm having it in a cal-ZONE.
Don't axe me questions.
When the doctor weighs me, I drop my purse, shoes, sweat shirt, even jewelry before I get on the scale. I will not be taking the blame for the weight of my clothing. I'd do it naked if they didn't have me standing in a hallway.
Nurses in my ex-doctor's office used to say the number on the scale out loud after I stepped off. I told them to stop it. I could only imagine that either they thought I hadn't seen it, OR they wished to shame me to pieces. Which one do you think?
Every time I go to the doctor, they tell me my BMI and tell me I have to lose weight. I ask "How?" and they say "Eat healthier." I say "If I knew how to eat healthier, I'd already be doing it. Can you prescribe me a diet?" They non-committal - they don't want to advise one diet over another in case you sue them.
One doctor said "Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet." I said "You see on my chart that I am allergic to anything with citric acid in it - what fruit does that leave me? I can't eat tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, melons, can only eat a few grapes, berries, and one apple before I erupt in cold sores. That leaves green leafy vegetables, peppers, bananas, and a handful of other vegetables. If food is going to be the same salad everyday, what hope do I have of sticking to it? How can I assure I get all the nutrients I need when I can only eat the same salad every day for every meal?" They just shrug and abandon me once again.
If they can't design me a diet, what hope do I have of lucking into one? They sent me to nutrition class and I kept raising my hand until the nutritionist finally said "Ask your doctor - we don't have time to give you alternative for every food you're allergic to." Ask your doctor? Sure. He'll send me back to you.
These articles look interesting:
"Jori's doctors advised a three-month break from food altogether, hoping to stem the barrage of eosinophils in her body. A food hiatus could give her body a chance to heal and grow.
For nutrition, she was started on an amino-acid formula, a pure form of liquid protein that's free of allergens."
"Newly approved drug protects against multiple food allergies, giving an 'extra layer of comfort'"
Hope this helps.
These are brilliant. I'll get them to my doctor and see what I can get Kaiser to prescribe.
Found this on Reddit:
I don't know your age of course, but maybe they're still worth talking to.
What Is TIP?
The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) is the first remission-inducing treatment for food anaphylaxis. The goal of TIP is to allow patients to achieve food freedom– the ability to eat whatever, whenever, without the fear of reaction.
Who Qualifies for TIP?
The Tolerance Induction Program is offered to all food allergy patients between the age of 18 months – 25 years old*, regardless of the severity or number of a patient’s allergens. TIP can also treat those with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, and asthma.
Here's something else that may help you:
Fecal microbiota transplants: 10 questions, answered
If you’ve never heard of a fecal microbiota transplant before, the concept might seem a bit startling at first.
But transferring healthy gut bacteria from one person to another is nothing new. It’s been the standard treatment for recurrent Clostridioides difficile (C. Diff) infections for years, and it is currently being studied in connection with Parkinson’s disease, autism, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease.
So, why might a cancer patient need a fecal microbiota transplant? And what happens during a fecal transplant? For answers to these questions and more, we went to Yinghong “Mimi” Wang, M.D., Ph.D., a gastroenterology specialist and researcher who has been studying this topic for six years.
What is a fecal microbiota transplant?
The easiest way to describe it is giving a healthy person’s stool to a sick person to try to correct their imbalanced gut microbiome.
Why are fecal microbiota transplants necessary?
Several medical conditions have been shown to have a clear correlation to dysbiosis — an imbalance in the bacteria that normally populate the gut. These include inflammatory bowel conditions and C. difficile infections. But they’re not just limited to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
By correcting these imbalances with an infusion of healthy gut bacteria from a donor, we are often able to reverse these conditions — and even positively affect some of our patients’ other underlying issues, such as autism, Parkinson’s disease, insulin resistance and obesity.
Once transplanted, the new bacteria proliferate and repopulate the GI tract. Eventually, they take over the entire colon.
[The article continues]
Hope you're doing better,
Glad you like them!
Here are some more ideas:
"We Bring Clinical Trials to YOU!
ClinicalConnection.com is the #1 non-government clinical trials website.
More people visit ClinicalConnection.com than any other non-government website for clinical trials in the US!
Connecting over 850,000 members with clinical research trials! Join now to be notified when new clinical trials are available!"
I know the Mayo Clinic's expensive, but they diagnosed my cousin when his doctors were baffled, and with the right medications, he got better (he had suddenly gone from being able-bodied to bed-ridden, unable to use his arms and legs).
(3) Redditt has a group of adults with food allergies:
My doctor's scales are set to kg, and so I don't have any real mental reaction to the number I see (and I don't bother trying to convert in my head).
The author of the anti-technology rant above, I am indeed, as charged, an embittered curmudgeon and Luddite. I'm not your kind of guy, though, but rather your kind of broad. Or would that be your kind of doll? Anyway, not a guy, is my point.
Dame. My kind of dame.
Of course! That solves that conundrum, thanks.
For the record, I am a tech guy, and I find the way that other tech folk expect everybody to want to live and breathe this stuff the way they do to be rude and absurd.
My wife and I were both techies by day and Luddites by night.
I can relate. There’s a time and a place. One isn’t “every damn waking moment” and the other isn’t “up in my eyeballs”.
Thank you.
Having been involved with new or developing tech in the entertainment biz and its associated geniuses during my checkered career, I always used the guiding aphorism, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should," usually to the great annoyance and mental harrumphing of these geniuses. The issue was thus not so much about me managing geniuses, as it was them figuring out how to manage me and my expectations. I apply the same touchstone to personal tech. Does it make life better/more enjoyable or does it just add something that makes it more complicated or annoying. Where's the irresistibility ? Depends on the individual.
Indeed. Just because you can use a different transition between every pair of slides in your deck doesn't mean you should.
A lot of my home projects involving tech have three stages: 1) Prove it can be done 2) Prove it should be done (sometimes you don’t know until you try) and 3) Can I make it so it’s not a PITA to do?
I agree about the annoying "evangelical fervor" of technology proponents. I have a flip phone, and NO, I am not interested in getting a smart phone. And I too get irritated when people shove their phone in my face to show me endless, boring pictures and videos, especially if they just came out of the bathroom with it. (EWW!) The worst are the ones who take pictures and immediately want to show them me, while I try to explain that what they just photographed is RIGHT THERE IN REAL LIFE right in front of them.
My son, who is much more virtuous than me, volunteers for this organization. He gets up at pre-dawn hours to recover and count the dead birds that hit buildings before the morning cleaning crew shows up and sweeps them away.
The data is used to lobby local governments to create building codes that will slash bird deaths.
I know! Member of Audubon and any number of animal rescue and preservation groups - all of whom advocate for prevention. It's endlessly awful.
I notoriously forget what’s in books I’ve read after a year or two, but Robert Reich has a great anecdote in his book “Locked in the Cabinet” that sticks with me. He is locked out of his house, and being petite thought he could get through the doggy door. Spoiler alert: he couldn’t. Don’t know how the rest of book holds up, but his description of his panicked thoughts was funny.
I forget what's in books I've read after a few days ...
I'm picturing Pooh stuck in Rabbit's door.
Watched SNL (also on Sunday, but not because of not staying up late as NBC shows it live on the West Coast at 8:30 p.m.—I’m old, but not THAT old!). Mostly thought the monologue was boring and tedious. Which was unfortunate, because otherwise I thought the episode was the best one this year. Almost all of the sketches hit the mark.
This is interesting. I am 180 degrees different. I liked the monologue and disliked every single sketch. I thought it was one of their weakest shows in recent member.
Er, memory.
I am a smart guy with a PhD and sundry other evidence that I am a tad above average on smartitude. I pronounce nuclear (new-klee-er) correctly, although one could argue it should be new-klee-arr, like a pirate. I have a colleague who pronounces it new-kew-ler. He is approximately 10 times smarter than me. I have given up entirely on the idea that mispronouncing nuclear is a sign of mental deficiency.
But I have no patience for that criminal mispronunciation of mascarpone. Also, demur and demure are not the same word, dammit.
RE: the not driving after 3 beers in an hour (I'd be lit, btw), I was assuming that at that hour I could simply call my spouse.
When I took a different route from what my first GPS was recommending, she (it?) would sigh in disgust and say “recalculating” in a supercilious tone. She (it?) must have been an old-style Republican.
I was very honest I wouldn't drive, as I don't do well with alcohol. I only have one drink, ever. For that reason. If I had three in an hour I'd be on the floor. Some people are WAY more tolerant and could do it, not me. So I plead honesty.