Assume you mean the producer of pork sausage, not "Rosemary's Baby?" By the way, if you read the very fine print on that mashed potato package, you'll find that although a random and irrelevant "use-by date" may have passed, the product can still be used in place of mortar to repoint a brick wall.
Assume you mean the producer of pork sausage, not "Rosemary's Baby?" By the way, if you read the very fine print on that mashed potato package, you'll find that although a random and irrelevant "use-by date" may have passed, the product can still be used in place of mortar to repoint a brick wall.
Assume you mean the producer of pork sausage, not "Rosemary's Baby?" By the way, if you read the very fine print on that mashed potato package, you'll find that although a random and irrelevant "use-by date" may have passed, the product can still be used in place of mortar to repoint a brick wall.
Thanks! I almost threw it away!