Hi, everyone. This is actually Pat, on Gene’s behalf.
On Sunday, June 18, Gene put up a Gene Pool post titled “Doctor? No,” in which he asked y’all to submit funny anecdotes about medical experiences, which he’d post Tuesday along with his usual comments and the usual Poolfolk banter. He also told about a freak-out false-alarm medical test ahead of Monday’s outpatient surgery to remove a benign but trickily positioned facial growth.
Well, the surgery went fine, but the hospital is keeping Gene there for another day to keep an eye on him. And as you can see, he’s not in optimal blogging position this morning. BUT YOU ARE NOT TO BE DENIED your lap in the Pool, courtesy of some of your fellow paddlers who didn’t quite follow the directions: Instead of sending in their medical anecdotes in the “Question for Gene” submission form, they posted them as comments right on the Sunday blog post. And then other readers started adding to the thread. As I type this, there are already 31 stories and comments for you to see at this link right here.
And so you can share your experience in either of two ways; Gene will see it either way:
Submit it as a “Question for Gene” on the form we link to HERE. Then Gene will read it, and possibly talk back at you in the next Gene Pool, hopefully Thursday along with The Invitational. (The Invitational will publish Thursday regardless.)
Join the comment thread, already containing dozens of anecdotes and replies, from Sunday’s Gene Pool HERE.
And this time, we figured out how not to allow comments on this post.
Elden’s obit and service information
Last Thursday’s Invitational saluted the memory of Elden Carnahan, de facto founder of the Loser Community, and its archivist, statistician, and social coordinator for almost thirty years. Elden’s daughter April Albertine has now published a moving obituary, along with details for a memorial service on Saturday afternoon, July 15. It’s on the blog that April set up in the past year, and you can leave comments and reminiscences there as well.